Layers   Tools
Boiler Plant Boundary
Boiler Plant Outlet
Boiler Plant Land Use
Soil Type
Boiler Plant Soil Type
Elevation Map
Boiler Plant DEM_1_9Arc
Boiler Plant DEM_1_3Arc
Boiler Plant DEM_1Arc
Boiler Plant Contour_m
Rain Gauges_KH
Measure distance: Select the line tool button, click on Google Earth at several points, click on Calculate Distance button. When done click Clear.
Measure Area: Select the line tool, click on several points in Google Earth to create a polygon, click the Calculate Area button. When done click Clear.
Line Tool  

Thank you for completing the HydroViz project!

You can navigate back to any of the specific modules:


Getting Acquainted with the Watershed

Exploring Land-Use Land-Cover (LULC) Coverage Map

Exploring Soil Coverage

Exploring Land Elevation

Exploring Field Equipment

Curve Number Analysis

If you are finished, please complete the HydroViz Survey.

This is an essential part of your assignment submittal.