Package jsim.jmessage

This package includes the events and messages passed between the beans and agents.


Interface Summary
JsimBean JsimBean is the parent class of all beans and agents in JSIM.
JsimListener Listener interface specification for JsimEvents.

Class Summary
CostReport This class contains simulation result of a model.
DBConnectionInfo This class contains the information required to establish a database connection.
EventMap This class contains all the events supported by JSIM.
FinalReport This class contains simulation result of a model.
Inject This class contains data for the Inject event.
Instruct This class contains data for the Instruct event.
InterimReport This class contains interim report data for the Report event.
JsimEvent This class provides general events for Jsim.
Message Message is the parent class of all JSIM messages.
ModelData The ModelData class contains all model information to be stored in the database.
ModelProperties The ModelProperties class represents all properties of a model.
NodeProps The NodeProps class represents the properties of a node to be stored in the database.
Query The Query class is a JSIM message type encapsulating a SQL query string.
Result The Result class is a JSIM message type representing the query result returned by the DBAgent.
Simulate This class contains the control data, which will be passed from a model agent to a model bean to control the execution of a simulation and improve the quality of simulation result.
Store The Store class represents all the data that need to be store in the database.

Package jsim.jmessage Description

This package includes the events and messages passed between the beans and agents.