jsim.animator The animator package provides classes for running two dimensional animations of the simulations.
jsim.coroutine The coroutine package provides classes for making Java threads function somewhat like coroutines.
jsim.event The event package provides classes for executing simulation models based on the event-scheduling paradigm.
jsim.jmessage This package includes the events and messages passed between the beans and agents.
jsim.jmodel The jmodel package provides classes for designing simulation models graphically.
jsim.process The process package provides classes for executing simulation models based on the process-interaction paradigm.
jsim.queue The queue package provides classes implementing several types of common queues.
jsim.statistic The statistic package provides classes for collecting and analyzing statistical data.
jsim.util The util package provides miscellaneous convenience classes.
jsim.variate The variate package provides numerous classes for generating random variates.