Package jsim.jmodel

The jmodel package provides classes for designing simulation models graphically.


Class Summary
DesignAgent An applet class that initializes and activates the JMODEL designer.
FileDialog Dialog box for entering a file name for the current design model.
FileMenu The file menu for the JMODEL designer.
FrameMenuBar The menu bar for the JMODEL designer.
Generator The Generator class generates code for JSIM models.
HelpFrame JMODEL help frame explains how to use the designer.
HelpMenu The help menu for the JMODEL designer.
NetCanvas The NetCanvas class allows canvases to be created for drawing simulation models.
NetFrame Overall frame for the JMODEL designer.
NodeDialog Dialog box for updating a node's parameters.
QueueSet The QueueSet class inserts and removes items in FIFO order, but also provides an organaize method to eliminate duplicate items.
TransportDialog Dialog box for updating a node's parameters.

Package jsim.jmodel Description

The jmodel package provides classes for designing simulation models graphically.