
package clusterer

The clusterer package contains classes, traits and objects for clustering algorithms.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. clusterer
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Clusterer extends AnyRef

    The Clusterer trait provides a common framework for several clustering algorithms.

  2. class HierClusterer extends Clusterer with Error

    Cluster several vectors/points using hierarchical clustering.

    Cluster several vectors/points using hierarchical clustering. Start with each point forming its own cluster and merge clusters until there are only 'k'.

  3. class KMeansClusterer extends Clusterer with Error

    The KMeansClusterer class cluster several vectors/points using k-means clustering.

    The KMeansClusterer class cluster several vectors/points using k-means clustering. Either (1) randomly assign points to 'k' clusters or (2) randomly pick 'k' points as initial centroids (technique (1) to work better and is the primary technique). Iteratively, reassign each point to the cluster containing the closest centroid. Stop when there are no changes to the clusters. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  4. trait KMeansClustererTester extends AnyRef

    The KMeansClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class.

    The KMeansClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class. > runMain

  5. class KMeansPPClusterer extends Clusterer with Error

    The KMeansPPClusterer class cluster several vectors/points using the k-means++ clustering technique.

    The KMeansPPClusterer class cluster several vectors/points using the k-means++ clustering technique. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    See also -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  6. trait KMeansPPClustererTester extends AnyRef

    The KMeansPPClustererTester trait includes a test function to aid in the testing of the KMeansPPClusterer class.

  7. class MarkovClusterer extends Clusterer with Error

    The MarkovClusterer class implements a Markov Clustering Algorithm 'MCL' and is used to cluster nodes in a graph.

    The MarkovClusterer class implements a Markov Clustering Algorithm 'MCL' and is used to cluster nodes in a graph. The graph is represented as an edge-weighted adjacency matrix (a non-zero cell indicates nodes i and j are connected).

    The primary constructor takes either a graph (adjacency matrix) or a Markov transition matrix as input. If a graph is passed in, the normalize method must be called to convert it into a Markov transition matrix. Before normalizing, it may be helpful to add self loops to the graph. The matrix (graph or transition) may be either dense or sparse. See the MarkovClustererTest object at the bottom of the file for examples.

  8. class RandomGraph extends AnyRef

    The RandomGraph class generates random undirected graphs with clusters (as adjacency matrices).

  9. class TightClusterer extends AnyRef

    The TightClusterer class uses tight clustering to eliminate points that do not not fit well in any cluster.

Value Members

  1. object Algorithm extends Enumeration

    The Algorithm object specifies which algorithm to use.

  2. object GapStatistic

    The GapStatistic object is used to help determine the optimal number of clusters for a clusterer by comparing results to a reference distribution.

    The GapStatistic object is used to help determine the optimal number of clusters for a clusterer by comparing results to a reference distribution. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    See also

  3. object GapStatisticTest extends App

    The GapStatisticTest object is used to test the GapStatistic object.

    The GapStatisticTest object is used to test the GapStatistic object. > runMain

  4. object GapStatisticTest2 extends App

    The GapStatisticTest2 object is used to test the GapStatistic object.

    The GapStatisticTest2 object is used to test the GapStatistic object. > runMain

  5. object HierClusterer extends App

    The HierClusterer object is used to test the HierClusterer class.

    The HierClusterer object is used to test the HierClusterer class. > runMain

  6. object HierClustererTest2 extends App

    The HierClustererTest2 object is used to test the HierClusterer class.

    The HierClustererTest2 object is used to test the HierClusterer class. > runMain

  7. object KMeansClustererTest extends App with KMeansClustererTester

    The KMeansClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class.

    The KMeansClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class. > runMain

  8. object KMeansClustererTest2 extends App with KMeansClustererTester

    The KMeansClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class.

    The KMeansClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class. > runMain

  9. object KMeansClustererTest3 extends App with KMeansClustererTester

    The KMeansClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class.

    The KMeansClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansClusterer class. > runMain

  10. object KMeansPPClusterer

    Companion object for the KMeansPPClusterer class.

  11. object KMeansPPClustererTest extends App with KMeansPPClustererTester

    The KMeansPPClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class.

    The KMeansPPClustererTest object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class. > runMain

  12. object KMeansPPClustererTest2 extends App with KMeansPPClustererTester

    The KMeansPPClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class.

    The KMeansPPClustererTest2 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class. > runMain

  13. object KMeansPPClustererTest3 extends App with KMeansPPClustererTester

    The KMeansPPClustererTest3 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class.

    The KMeansPPClustererTest3 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class. > runMain

  14. object KMeansPPClustererTest4 extends App with KMeansPPClustererTester

    The KMeansPPClustererTest4 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class.

    The KMeansPPClustererTest4 object is used to test the KMeansPlusPlusCluterer class. > runMain

  15. object MarkovClustererTest extends App

    The MarkovClustererTest object is used to test the MarkovClusterer class.

    The MarkovClustererTest object is used to test the MarkovClusterer class.

    See also ^ > runMain

  16. object MarkovClustererTest2 extends App

    The MarkovClustererTest2 object is used to test the MarkovClusterer class.

    The MarkovClustererTest2 object is used to test the MarkovClusterer class. ^ > runMain

  17. object RandomGraphTest extends App

    The RandomGraphTest object is used to test the RandomGraph class.

    The RandomGraphTest object is used to test the RandomGraph class. > runMain

  18. object TightClustererTest extends App

    The TightClustererTest is used to test the TightClusterer class.

    The TightClustererTest is used to test the TightClusterer class. > runMain