
package forecaster

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AR extends ForecasterVec

    The AR class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR'.

    The AR class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR'. In an 'AR(p)' model, 'p' refers to the order of the Auto-Regressive components of the model. AR models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' may be predicted based on prior values of 'y' and its noise:

    y_t = c + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t

    where 'c' is a constant, 'φ' is the autoregressive coefficient vector, and 'e' is the noise vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  2. class ARIMA extends Forecaster

    The ARIMA class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models.

    The ARIMA class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an 'ARIMA(p, d, q)' model, 'p' and 'q' refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; 'd' refers to the order of differencing. ARIMA models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' may be predicted based on prior values of 'y' and its noise:

    y_t = c + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t

    where 'c' is a constant, 'φ' is the autoregressive coefficient vector, 'θ' is the moving-average coefficient vector, and 'e' is the noise vector. If 'd' > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying the above model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. class ExpSmoothing extends Forecaster

    The ExpSmoothing class provide very basic time series analysis capabilities of Exponential Smoothing models.

    The ExpSmoothing class provide very basic time series analysis capabilities of Exponential Smoothing models. ExpSmoothing models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' may be predicted based on prior/smoothed values of 'y':

    y_t = s_t-1 + α (s_t-1 - s_t-2)

    where vector 's' is the smoothed version of vector 'y' and 'α in [0, 1]' is the smoothing parameter. Trend and seasonality can be factored into the model with two additional smoothing parameters 'β' and 'γ', respectively.

  4. trait Forecaster extends Error

    The Forecaster trait provides a common framework for several forecasters.

    The Forecaster trait provides a common framework for several forecasters. Note, the 'train' method must be called first followed by 'eval'.

  5. abstract class ForecasterVec extends Forecaster

    The Forecaster trait provides a common framework for several forecasters.

    The Forecaster trait provides a common framework for several forecasters. Note, the 'train' method must be called first followed by 'eval'.

  6. class KPSS extends UnitRoot

    The KPSS class provides capabilities of performing KPSS test to determine if a time series is stationary around a deterministic trend.

    The KPSS class provides capabilities of performing KPSS test to determine if a time series is stationary around a deterministic trend. This code is translated from the C++ code found in

    See also

  7. class KalmanFilter extends AnyRef

    The KalmanFilter class is used to fit state-space models.

    The KalmanFilter class is used to fit state-space models.

    See also FIX: needs more thorough testing

  8. class SARIMA extends Forecaster

    The SARIMA class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models.

    The SARIMA class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an 'SARIMA(p, d, q)' model, 'p' and 'q' refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; 'd' refers to the order of differencing. SARIMA models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' may be predicted based on prior values of 'y' and its noise:

    y_t = c + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t

    where 'c' is a constant, 'φ' is the autoregressive coefficient vector, 'θ' is the moving-average coefficient vector, and 'e' is the noise vector. If 'd' > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying the above model. Seasonal differencing, autoregressive and moving average factors can be incorporated into the model by applying seasonal differencing (possibly in addition to simple differencing) first, then add the seasonal autoregressive and moving average terms, that rely on lagged values and errors, respectively, from one or more seasonal periods in the past, on the right hand side of the equation. Exogeous/External regressor may also be added to the right-hand size of the model in a similar manner to Regression models. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  9. abstract class UnitRoot extends AnyRef

    The UnitRoot abstract class provides a common framework for various unit root testers for Time Series Stationarity.

    The UnitRoot abstract class provides a common framework for various unit root testers for Time Series Stationarity. This code is translated from the C++ code found in

    See also

Value Members

  1. object AR

    The AR companion object provides factory methods for the AR class.

  2. object ARIMA

    The ARIMA companion object provides factory methods for the ARIMA class.

  3. object ARIMATest extends App

    The ARIMATest object is used to test the ARIMA class.

    The ARIMATest object is used to test the ARIMA class. > runMain

  4. object ARIMATest2 extends App

    The ARIMATest2 object is used to test the ARIMA class.

    The ARIMATest2 object is used to test the ARIMA class. > runMain

  5. object ARIMATest3 extends App

    The ARIMATest3 object is used to test the ARIMA class.

    The ARIMATest3 object is used to test the ARIMA class. Forecasting lake levels.

    See also > runMain

  6. object ARIMATest4 extends App

    The ARIMATest4 object is used to test the ARIMA class.

    The ARIMATest4 object is used to test the ARIMA class. > runMain

  7. object ARTest extends App

    The ARTest object is used to test the AR class.

    The ARTest object is used to test the AR class. > runMain

  8. object ARTest2 extends App

    The ARTest2 object is used to test the AR class.

    The ARTest2 object is used to test the AR class. > runMain

  9. object ARTest3 extends App

    The ARTest3 object is used to test the AR class.

    The ARTest3 object is used to test the AR class. Forecasting lake levels.

    See also > runMain

  10. object ARTest4 extends App

    The ARTest4 object is used to test the AR class.

    The ARTest4 object is used to test the AR class. > runMain

  11. object ExpSmoothingTest extends App

    The ExpSmoothingTest object is used to test the ExpSmoothing class.

    The ExpSmoothingTest object is used to test the ExpSmoothing class. > runMain

  12. object KPSS

    The companion object for KPSS class, containing critical value coefficients needed in KPSS tests for Time Series Stationarity around a deterministic trend.

  13. object KPSSTest extends App

    The KPSSTest object is used to test the KPSS class.

    The KPSSTest object is used to test the KPSS class. > runMain

  14. object KalmanFilterTest extends App

    The KalmanFilterTest object is used to test the KalmanFilter class.

    The KalmanFilterTest object is used to test the KalmanFilter class.

    See also > runMain

  15. object SARIMA

    Companion object for class SARIMA.

    Companion object for class SARIMA. Includes features related to differencing and automated order selection.

    See also

  16. object SARIMATest extends App

    The SARIMATest object is used to test the SARIMA class.

    The SARIMATest object is used to test the SARIMA class. > runMain

  17. object SARIMATest2 extends App

    The SARIMATest2 object is used to test the SARIMA class.

    The SARIMATest2 object is used to test the SARIMA class. > runMain

  18. object SARIMATest3 extends App

    The SARIMATest3 object is used to test the SARIMA class.

    The SARIMATest3 object is used to test the SARIMA class. Forecasting lake levels.

    See also > runMain

  19. object SARIMATest4 extends App

    The SARIMATest4 object is used to test the SARIMA class.

    The SARIMATest4 object is used to test the SARIMA class. > runMain
