class PolyRegression extends PredictorVec
The PolyRegression
class supports polynomial regression. In this case,
't' is expanded to [1, t, t2 ... tk]. Fit the parameter vector 'b' in the
regression equation
y = b dot x + e = b_0 + b_1 * t + b_2 * t2 ... b_k * tk + e
where 'e' represents the residuals (the part not explained by the model). Use Least-Squares (minimizing the residuals) to fit the parameter vector
b = x_pinv * y
where 'x_pinv' is the pseudo-inverse.
- See also
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- PolyRegression
- PredictorVec
- Predictor
- Model
- Error
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
PolyRegression(t: VectorD, y: VectorD, ord: Int, technique: RegTechnique.RegTechnique = QR, raw: Boolean = true)
- t
the input vector: t_i expands to x_i = [1, t_i, t_i2, ... t_ik]
- y
the response vector
- ord
the order of the polynomial
- technique
the technique used to solve for b in x.t*x*b = x.t*y
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
analyze(x_r: MatriD = null, y_r: VectoD = y, x_e: MatriD = null, y_e: VectoD = y): PredictorVec
Analyze a dataset using this model using ordinary training with the 'train' method.
Analyze a dataset using this model using ordinary training with the 'train' method.
- x_r
the training/full data/input matrix
- y_r
the training/full response/output vector
- x_e
the test/full data/input matrix
- y_e
the test/full response/output vector
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Predictor
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
backwardElim(cols: Set[Int], index_q: Int = index_rSqBar, first: Int = 1): (Int, PredictorMat)
Perform backward elimination to remove the least predictive variable from the model, returning the variable to eliminate, the new parameter vector, the new R-squared value and the new F statistic.
Perform backward elimination to remove the least predictive variable from the model, returning the variable to eliminate, the new parameter vector, the new R-squared value and the new F statistic.
- cols
the columns of matrix x included in the existing model
- index_q
index of Quality of Fit (QoF) to use for comparing quality
- first
first variable to consider for elimination (default (1) assume intercept x_0 will be in any model)
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec
clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
corrMatrix(xx: MatriD): MatriD
Return the correlation matrix for the columns in data matrix 'xx'.
Return the correlation matrix for the columns in data matrix 'xx'.
- xx
the data matrix shose correlation matrix is sought
- Definition Classes
- Predictor
crossVal(ord: Int, k: Int = 10, rando: Boolean = true): Unit
Perform 'k'-fold cross-validation.
Perform 'k'-fold cross-validation.
- ord
the order of the expansion (e.g., max degree in PolyRegression)
- k
the number of folds
- rando
whether to use randomized cross-validation
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec
crossValidate(algor: (VectoD, VectoD, Int) ⇒ PredictorVec, k: Int = 10, rando: Boolean = true): Array[Statistic]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
eval(xx: MatriD = x, yy: VectoD = y): Regression
Compute the error and useful diagnostics.
Compute the error and useful diagnostics.
- xx
the test data/input matrix
- yy
the test response/output vector
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec → Model
eval(yy: VectoD): Regression
Compute the error and useful diagnostics for the test dataset.
Compute the error and useful diagnostics for the test dataset.
- yy
the test response vector
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
eval(tt: VectoD, yy: VectoD): Regression
Compute the error and useful diagnostics for the test dataset.
Compute the error and useful diagnostics for the test dataset.
- tt
the test data vector (unexpanded)
- yy
the test response vector
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
expand(t: Double): VectorD
Expand the scalar 't' into a vector of powers of 't': [1, t, t2 ... tk].
Expand the scalar 't' into a vector of powers of 't': [1, t, t2 ... tk].
- t
the scalar to expand into the vector
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec
expand(t: VectoD): MatriD
Expand the vector 't' into a matrix.
Expand the vector 't' into a matrix.
- t
the vector to expand into the matrix
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
fit: VectoD
Return the quality of fit including 'rSquared'.
Return the quality of fit including 'rSquared'.
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec
fitLabel: Seq[String]
Return the labels for the fit.
Return the labels for the fit.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
fitMap: Map[String, String]
Build a map of quality of fit measures.
Build a map of quality of fit measures.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
flaw(method: String, message: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Error
forwardSel(cols: Set[Int], index_q: Int = index_rSqBar): (Int, PredictorMat)
Perform forward selection to add the most predictive variable to the existing model, returning the variable to add, the new parameter vector and the new quality of fit.
Perform forward selection to add the most predictive variable to the existing model, returning the variable to add, the new parameter vector and the new quality of fit. May be called repeatedly.
- cols
the columns of matrix x included in the existing model
- index_q
index of Quality of Fit (QoF) to use for comparing quality
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec → Predictor
getClass(): Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
getX: MatriD
Return the 'used' data matrix 'x'.
Return the 'used' data matrix 'x'. Mainly for derived classes where 'x' is expanded from the given columns in 'x_', e.g.,
add squared columns.- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Predictor
getY: VectoD
Return the 'used' response vector 'y'.
Return the 'used' response vector 'y'. Mainly for derived classes where 'y' is transformed, e.g.,
.- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Predictor
hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
hparameter: HyperParameter
Return the hyper-parameters.
Return the hyper-parameters.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Model
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
modelConcept: URI
An optional reference to an ontological concept
An optional reference to an ontological concept
- Definition Classes
- Model
modelName: String
An optional name for the model (or modeling technique)
An optional name for the model (or modeling technique)
- Definition Classes
- Model
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
parameter: VectoD
Return the vector of parameters/coefficients.
Return the vector of parameters/coefficients.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Model
predict(z: VectoD): Double
Predict the value of y = f(z) by evaluating the formula y = b dot z, e.g., (b_0, b_1, b_2) dot (1, z_1, z_2).
Predict the value of y = f(z) by evaluating the formula y = b dot z, e.g., (b_0, b_1, b_2) dot (1, z_1, z_2).
- z
the new vector to predict
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec → Predictor
predict(z: Double): Double
Predict the value of y = f(z) by evaluating the formula y = b dot expand (z), e.g., (b_0, b_1, b_2) dot (1, z, z^2).
Predict the value of y = f(z) by evaluating the formula y = b dot expand (z), e.g., (b_0, b_1, b_2) dot (1, z, z^2).
- z
the new scalar to predict
- Definition Classes
- PolyRegression → PredictorVec
predict(z: MatriD = rg.getX): VectoD
Predict the value of 'y = f(z)' by evaluating the formula 'y = b dot z', for each row of matrix 'z'.
Predict the value of 'y = f(z)' by evaluating the formula 'y = b dot z', for each row of matrix 'z'.
- z
the new matrix to predict
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Predictor
predict(z: VectoI): Double
Given a new discrete data/input vector 'z', predict the 'y'-value of 'f(z)'.
Given a new discrete data/input vector 'z', predict the 'y'-value of 'f(z)'.
- z
the vector to use for prediction
- Definition Classes
- Predictor
report: String
Return a basic report on the trained model.
Return a basic report on the trained model.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Model
- See also
'summary' method for more details
residual: VectoD
Return the vector of residuals/errors.
Return the vector of residuals/errors.
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Predictor
rg: Regression
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
test(modelName: String, doPlot: Boolean = true): Unit
Test the model on the full dataset (i.e., train and evaluate on full dataset).
Test the model on the full dataset (i.e., train and evaluate on full dataset).
- modelName
the name of the model being tested
- doPlot
whether to plot the actual vs. predicted response
- Definition Classes
- Predictor
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
train(xx: MatriD = MatrixD (Seq (t)), yy: VectoD = y): Regression
Train the predictor by fitting the parameter vector 'b' in the multiple regression equation using the least squares method.
Train the predictor by fitting the parameter vector 'b' in the multiple regression equation using the least squares method.
- xx
the data/input single column matrix (unexpanded)
- yy
the response/output vector
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec → Model
vif(skip: Int = 1): VectoD
Compute the Variance Inflation Factor 'VIF' for each variable to test for multi-collinearity by regressing 'x_j' against the rest of the variables.
Compute the Variance Inflation Factor 'VIF' for each variable to test for multi-collinearity by regressing 'x_j' against the rest of the variables. A VIF over 10 indicates that over 90% of the variance of 'x_j' can be predicted from the other variables, so 'x_j' may be a candidate for removal from the model.
- skip
the number of columns of x at the beginning to skip in computing VIF
- Definition Classes
- PredictorVec
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
- val x: MatrixD
Deprecated Value Members
finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated
- Deprecated