
trait VectoI extends Traversable[Int] with PartiallyOrdered[VectoI] with Vec with Error with Serializable

The VectoI class stores and operates on Numeric Vectors of base type Int. It follows the framework of gen.VectorN [T] and is provided for performance.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Error, Vec, PartiallyOrdered[VectoI], Traversable[Int], GenTraversable[Int], GenericTraversableTemplate[Int, Traversable], TraversableLike[Int, Traversable[Int]], GenTraversableLike[Int, Traversable[Int]], Parallelizable[Int, ParIterable[Int]], TraversableOnce[Int], GenTraversableOnce[Int], FilterMonadic[Int, Traversable[Int]], HasNewBuilder[Int, Traversable[Int]], AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. VectoI
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Error
  5. Vec
  6. PartiallyOrdered
  7. Traversable
  8. GenTraversable
  9. GenericTraversableTemplate
  10. TraversableLike
  11. GenTraversableLike
  12. Parallelizable
  13. TraversableOnce
  14. GenTraversableOnce
  15. FilterMonadic
  16. HasNewBuilder
  17. AnyRef
  18. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Self = Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
  2. class WithFilter extends FilterMonadic[A, Repr]
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def *(s: Int): VectoI

    Multiply 'this' vector by scalar 's'.

    Multiply 'this' vector by scalar 's'.


    the scalar to multiply by

  2. abstract def *(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Multiply 'this' vector by vector 'b'.

    Multiply 'this' vector by vector 'b'.


    the vector to multiply by

  3. abstract def *=(s: Int): VectoI

    Multiply in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.

    Multiply in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.


    the scalar to add

  4. abstract def *=(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Multiply in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.

    Multiply in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.


    the vector to add

  5. abstract def +(s: (Int, Int)): VectoI

    Add 'this' vector and scalar 's._2' only at position 's._1'.

    Add 'this' vector and scalar 's._2' only at position 's._1'.


    the (position, scalar) to add

  6. abstract def +(s: Int): VectoI

    Add 'this' vector and scalar 's'.

    Add 'this' vector and scalar 's'.


    the scalar to add

  7. abstract def +(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Add 'this' vector and vector 'b'.

    Add 'this' vector and vector 'b'.


    the vector to add

  8. abstract def ++(s: Int): VectoI

    Concatenate 'this' vector and scalar 's'.

    Concatenate 'this' vector and scalar 's'.


    the scalar to be concatenated

  9. abstract def ++(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Concatenate 'this' vector and vector' b'.

    Concatenate 'this' vector and vector' b'.


    the vector to be concatenated

  10. abstract def +=(s: Int): VectoI

    Add in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.

    Add in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.


    the scalar to add

  11. abstract def +=(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Add in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.

    Add in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.


    the vector to add

  12. abstract def -(s: (Int, Int)): VectoI

    From 'this' vector subtract scalar 's._2' only at position 's._1'.

    From 'this' vector subtract scalar 's._2' only at position 's._1'.


    the (position, scalar) to subtract

  13. abstract def -(s: Int): VectoI

    From 'this' vector subtract scalar 's'.

    From 'this' vector subtract scalar 's'.


    the scalar to subtract

  14. abstract def -(b: VectoI): VectoI

    From 'this' vector subtract vector 'b'.

    From 'this' vector subtract vector 'b'.


    the vector to subtract

  15. abstract def -=(s: Int): VectoI

    From 'this' vector subtract in-place scalar 's'.

    From 'this' vector subtract in-place scalar 's'.


    the scalar to add

  16. abstract def -=(b: VectoI): VectoI

    From 'this' vector subtract in-place vector 'b'.

    From 'this' vector subtract in-place vector 'b'.


    the vector to add

  17. abstract def /(s: Int): VectoI

    Divide 'this' vector by scalar 's'.

    Divide 'this' vector by scalar 's'.


    the scalar to divide by

  18. abstract def /(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Divide 'this' vector by vector 'b' (element-by-element).

    Divide 'this' vector by vector 'b' (element-by-element).


    the vector to divide by

  19. abstract def /=(s: Int): VectoI

    Divide in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.

    Divide in-place 'this' vector and scalar 's'.


    the scalar to add

  20. abstract def /=(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Divide in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.

    Divide in-place 'this' vector and vector 'b'.


    the vector to add

  21. abstract def _oneAt(j: Int, size: Int = dim): VectoI

    Create a vector of the form (0, ...

    Create a vector of the form (0, ... -1, ... 0) where the -1 is at position j.


    the position to place the -1


    the size of the vector (upper bound = size - 1)

  22. abstract def abs: VectoI

    Return the vector that is the element-wise absolute value of 'this' vector.

  23. abstract def apply(): IndexedSeq[Int]

    Get 'this' vector's entire sequence/array.

  24. abstract def apply(r: Range): VectoI

    Get 'this' vector's elements within the given range (vector slicing).

    Get 'this' vector's elements within the given range (vector slicing).


    the given range

  25. abstract def apply(i: Int): Int

    Get 'this' vector's element at the 'i'-th index position.

    Get 'this' vector's element at the 'i'-th index position.


    the given index

  26. abstract def argmax(s: Int, e: Int): Int

    Find the argument maximum of 'this' vector (index of maximum element).

    Find the argument maximum of 'this' vector (index of maximum element).


    the starting index (inclusive) for the search


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  27. abstract def argmax(e: Int = dim): Int

    Find the argument maximum of 'this' vector (index of maximum element).

    Find the argument maximum of 'this' vector (index of maximum element).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  28. abstract def argmaxPos(e: Int = dim): Int

    Return the argument maximum of 'this' vector (-1 if it's not positive).

    Return the argument maximum of 'this' vector (-1 if it's not positive).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  29. abstract def argmin(s: Int, e: Int): Int

    Find the argument minimum of 'this' vector (index of minimum element).

    Find the argument minimum of 'this' vector (index of minimum element).


    the starting index (inclusive) for the search


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  30. abstract def argmin(e: Int = dim): Int

    Find the argument minimum of 'this' vector (index of minimum element).

    Find the argument minimum of 'this' vector (index of minimum element).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  31. abstract def argminNeg(e: Int = dim): Int

    Return the argument minimum of 'this' vector (-1 if it's not negative).

    Return the argument minimum of 'this' vector (-1 if it's not negative).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  32. abstract def contains(x: Int): Boolean

    Determine whether 'x' is contained in 'this' vector.

    Determine whether 'x' is contained in 'this' vector.


    the element to be checked

  33. abstract def copy: VectoI

    Create a copy of this Vector.

  34. abstract def countNeg: Int

    Count the number of strictly negative elements in 'this' vector.

  35. abstract def countPos: Int

    Count the number of strictly positive elements in 'this' vector.

  36. abstract def countZero: Int

    Count the number of zero elements in the 'this' vector.

  37. abstract def countinct: Int

    Count the number of distinct elements in 'this' vector.

  38. abstract def cumulate: VectoI

    Cumulate the values of 'this' vector from left to right (e.g., create a CDF from a pmf).

    Cumulate the values of 'this' vector from left to right (e.g., create a CDF from a pmf). Example: (4, 2, 3, 1) --> (4, 6, 9, 10)

  39. abstract val dim: Int

    Vector dimension

  40. abstract def distinct: VectoI

    Create a vector consisting of the distinct elements in 'this' vector.

  41. abstract def dot(b: VectoI): Int

    Compute the dot product (or inner product) of 'this' vector with vector 'b'.

    Compute the dot product (or inner product) of 'this' vector with vector 'b'.


    the other vector

  42. abstract def expand(more: Int = dim): VectoI

    Expand the size (dim) of 'this' vector by 'more' elements.

    Expand the size (dim) of 'this' vector by 'more' elements.


    the number of new elements to add

  43. abstract def filterPos(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[Int]

    Filter the elements of 'this' vector based on the predicate 'p', returning the index positions.

    Filter the elements of 'this' vector based on the predicate 'p', returning the index positions.


    the predicate (Boolean function) to apply

  44. abstract def firstNeg(e: Int = dim): Int

    Return the index of the first negative element in 'this' vector (-1 otherwise).

    Return the index of the first negative element in 'this' vector (-1 otherwise).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  45. abstract def firstPos(e: Int = dim): Int

    Return the index of the first positive element in 'this' vector (-1 otherwise).

    Return the index of the first positive element in 'this' vector (-1 otherwise).


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  46. abstract def foreach[U](f: (Int) ⇒ U): Unit

    Iterate over 'this' vector element by element.

    Iterate over 'this' vector element by element.


    the function to apply

    Definition Classes
    VectoI → GenericTraversableTemplate → TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce → FilterMonadic
  47. abstract def indexOf(x: Int, e: Int = dim): Int

    Return the index of the first occurrence of element 'x' in 'this' vector, or -1 if not found.

    Return the index of the first occurrence of element 'x' in 'this' vector, or -1 if not found.


    the given element


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  48. abstract def indexWhere(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Int

    Find and return index of first element satisfying predicate 'p', or -1 if not found.

    Find and return index of first element satisfying predicate 'p', or -1 if not found.


    the predicate to check

  49. abstract def isNonnegative: Boolean

    Check whether 'this' vector is nonnegative (has no negative elements).

  50. abstract def map(f: (Int) ⇒ Int): VectoI

    Map the elements of 'this' vector by applying the mapping function 'f'.

    Map the elements of 'this' vector by applying the mapping function 'f'.


    the function to apply

  51. abstract def max(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Take the maximum of 'this' vector with vector 'b' (element-by element).

    Take the maximum of 'this' vector with vector 'b' (element-by element).


    the other vector

  52. abstract def max(e: Int = dim): Int

    Find the maximum element in 'this' vector.

    Find the maximum element in 'this' vector.


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  53. abstract def min(b: VectoI): VectoI

    Take the minimum of 'this' vector with vector 'b' (element-by element).

    Take the minimum of 'this' vector with vector 'b' (element-by element).


    the other vector

  54. abstract def min(e: Int = dim): Int

    Find the minimum element in 'this' vector.

    Find the minimum element in 'this' vector.


    the ending index (exclusive) for the search

  55. abstract def norm1: Int

    Compute the Manhattan norm (1-norm) of 'this' vector.

  56. abstract def normalize: VectoI

    Normalize 'this' vector so that it sums to one (like a probability vector).

  57. abstract def normalize1: VectoI

    Normalize 'this' vector to have a maximum of one.

  58. abstract def normalizeU: VectoI

    Normalize 'this' vector so its length is one (unit vector).

  59. abstract def one(size: Int): VectoI

    Create a one vector (all elements are one) of length 'size'.

    Create a one vector (all elements are one) of length 'size'.


    the size of the new vector

  60. abstract def oneAt(j: Int, size: Int = dim): VectoI

    Create a vector of the form (0, ...

    Create a vector of the form (0, ... 1, ... 0) where the 1 is at position j.


    the position to place the 1


    the size of the vector (upper bound = size - 1)

  61. abstract def rank: VectoI

    Establish the rank order of the elements in 'self' vector, e.g., (8.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0) is (3, 0, 1, 2).

  62. abstract def recip: VectoI

    Return the vector containing the reciprocal of each element of 'this' vector.

  63. abstract def select(basis: Array[Int]): VectoI

    Select a subset of elements of 'this' vector corresponding to a 'basis'.

    Select a subset of elements of 'this' vector corresponding to a 'basis'.


    the set of index positions (e.g., 0, 2, 5)

  64. abstract def set(u: Seq[Int]): Unit

    Set the values in 'this' vector to the values in sequence 'u'.

    Set the values in 'this' vector to the values in sequence 'u'.


    the sequence of values to be assigned

  65. abstract def set(x: Int): Unit

    Set each value in 'this' vector to 'x'.

    Set each value in 'this' vector to 'x'.


    the value to be assigned

  66. abstract def sort(): Unit

    Sort 'this' vector in-place in ascending (non-decreasing) order.

  67. abstract def sort2(): Unit

    Sort 'this' vector in-place in descending (non-increasing) order.

  68. abstract def sum: Int

    Sum the elements of 'this' vector.

  69. abstract def sumNE(i: Int): Int

    Sum the elements of 'this' vector skipping the 'i'-th element (Not Equal 'i').

    Sum the elements of 'this' vector skipping the 'i'-th element (Not Equal 'i').


    the index of the element to skip

  70. abstract def sumPos: Int

    Sum the positive (> 0) elements of 'this' vector.

  71. abstract def swap(i: Int, j: Int): Unit

    Swap elements 'i' and 'j' in 'this' vector.

    Swap elements 'i' and 'j' in 'this' vector.


    the first element in the swap


    the second element in the swap

  72. abstract def toDense: VectorI

    Convert 'this' VectoI into a dense version.

  73. abstract def toDouble: VectoD

    Convert 'this' VectoI into a VectoD.

  74. abstract def toInt: VectoI

    Convert 'this' VectoI into a VectoI.

  75. abstract def toLong: VectoL

    Convert 'this' VectoI into a VectoL.

  76. abstract def tryCompareTo[B >: VectoI](that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Option[Int]
    Definition Classes
  77. abstract def unary_-(): VectoI

    Return the negative of 'this' vector (unary minus).

  78. abstract def update(r: Range, u: VectoI): Unit

    Set 'this' vector's elements over the given range (vector slicing).

    Set 'this' vector's elements over the given range (vector slicing).


    the given range


    the vector to assign

  79. abstract def update(r: Range, x: Int): Unit

    Set 'this' vector's elements over the given range (vector slicing).

    Set 'this' vector's elements over the given range (vector slicing).


    the given range


    the value to assign

  80. abstract def update(i: Int, x: Int): Unit

    Set 'this' vector's element at the 'i'-th index position.

    Set 'this' vector's element at the 'i'-th index position.


    the given index


    the value to assign

  81. abstract def zero(size: Int): VectoI

    Create a zero vector (all elements are zero) of length 'size'.

    Create a zero vector (all elements are zero) of length 'size'.


    the size of the new vector

  82. abstract def ~^(s: Int): VectoI

    Return the vector containing each element of 'this' vector raised to the s-th power.

    Return the vector containing each element of 'this' vector raised to the s-th power.


    the scalar exponent

  83. abstract def ~^=(s: Int): VectoI

    Raise in-place each element of 'this' vector to the 's'-th power.

    Raise in-place each element of 'this' vector to the 's'-th power.


    the scalar exponent

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ++[B >: Int, That](that: GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  4. def ++:[B >: Int, That](that: Traversable[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
  5. def ++:[B >: Int, That](that: TraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
  6. def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, Int) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  7. def :\[B](z: B)(op: (Int, B) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  8. def <[B >: VectoI](that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  9. def <=[B >: VectoI](that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  10. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. def >[B >: VectoI](that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. def >=[B >: VectoI](that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. def addString(b: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
    Definition Classes
  14. def addString(b: StringBuilder, sep: String): StringBuilder
    Definition Classes
  15. def addString(b: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): StringBuilder
    Definition Classes
  16. def aggregate[B](z: ⇒ B)(seqop: (B, Int) ⇒ B, combop: (B, B) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  17. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  18. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  19. def collect[B, That](pf: PartialFunction[Int, B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  20. def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[Int, B]): Option[B]
    Definition Classes
  21. def companion: GenericCompanion[Traversable]
    Definition Classes
    Traversable → GenTraversable → GenericTraversableTemplate
  22. def copyToArray[B >: Int](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  23. def copyToArray[B >: Int](xs: Array[B]): Unit
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  24. def copyToArray[B >: Int](xs: Array[B], start: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  25. def copyToBuffer[B >: Int](dest: Buffer[B]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. def count(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  27. def drop(n: Int): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  28. def dropWhile(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  29. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  31. def exists(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  32. val fString: String

    Format String used for printing vector values (change using 'setFormat') Ex: "%d,\t", "%.6g,\t" or "%12.6g,\t"

    Format String used for printing vector values (change using 'setFormat') Ex: "%d,\t", "%.6g,\t" or "%12.6g,\t"

  33. def filter(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  34. def filterNot(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  35. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  36. def find(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Option[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  37. def flatMap[B, That](f: (Int) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike → FilterMonadic
  38. def flatten[B](implicit asTraversable: (Int) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): Traversable[B]
    Definition Classes
  39. final def flaw(method: String, message: String): Unit

    Show the flaw by printing the error message.

    Show the flaw by printing the error message.


    the method where the error occurred


    the error message

    Definition Classes
  40. def fold[A1 >: Int](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  41. def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, Int) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  42. def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (Int, B) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  43. def forall(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  44. def genericBuilder[B]: Builder[B, Traversable[B]]
    Definition Classes
  45. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  46. def groupBy[K](f: (Int) ⇒ K): Map[K, Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  47. def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  48. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  49. def head: Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  50. def headOption: Option[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  51. def indices: Range

    Produce the range of all indices (0 to one less than dim).

  52. def init: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  53. def inits: Iterator[Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
  54. def isEmpty: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  55. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  56. final def isTraversableAgain: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike → GenTraversableOnce
  57. def last: Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  58. def lastOption: Option[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  59. def mag: Int

    Find the element with the greatest magnitude in 'this' vector.

  60. def map[B, That](f: (Int) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike → FilterMonadic
  61. def max[B >: Int](implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  62. def maxBy[B](f: (Int) ⇒ B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  63. def mean: Double

    Compute the mean of the elements of 'this' vector.

  64. def min[B >: Int](implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  65. def minBy[B](f: (Int) ⇒ B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Int
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  66. def mkString: String
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  67. def mkString(sep: String): String
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  68. def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  69. val nd: Double

    Number of elements in the vector as a Int

  70. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  71. def newBuilder: Builder[Int, Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
    GenericTraversableTemplate → HasNewBuilder
  72. def nonEmpty: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  73. def norm: Int

    Compute the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of 'this' vector.

  74. def normSq: Int

    Compute the Euclidean norm (2-norm) squared of 'this' vector.

  75. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  76. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  77. def par: ParIterable[Int]
    Definition Classes
  78. def parCombiner: Combiner[Int, ParIterable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → Parallelizable
  79. def partition(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): (Traversable[Int], Traversable[Int])
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  80. def product[B >: Int](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  81. def pvariance: Double

    Compute the population variance of the elements of 'this' vector.

    Compute the population variance of the elements of 'this' vector. This is also the (biased) MLE estimator for sample variance.

  82. val range: Range

    Range for the storage array

  83. def reduce[A1 >: Int](op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  84. def reduceLeft[B >: Int](op: (B, Int) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
  85. def reduceLeftOption[B >: Int](op: (B, Int) ⇒ B): Option[B]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  86. def reduceOption[A1 >: Int](op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): Option[A1]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  87. def reduceRight[B >: Int](op: (Int, B) ⇒ B): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  88. def reduceRightOption[B >: Int](op: (Int, B) ⇒ B): Option[B]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  89. def repr: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  90. def reversed: List[Int]
    Definition Classes
  91. def sameDimensions(b: VectoI): Boolean

    Check whether the other vector 'b' is at least as long as 'this' vector.

    Check whether the other vector 'b' is at least as long as 'this' vector.


    the other vector

  92. def scan[B >: Int, That](z: B)(op: (B, B) ⇒ B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  93. def scanLeft[B, That](z: B)(op: (B, Int) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  94. def scanRight[B, That](z: B)(op: (Int, B) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], B, That]): That
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike

    (Changed in version 2.9.0) The behavior of scanRight has changed. The previous behavior can be reproduced with scanRight.reverse.

  95. def seq: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    Traversable → GenTraversable → Parallelizable → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  96. def setFormat(newFormat: String): Unit

    Set the format to the 'newFormat' (e.g., "%.6g,\t" or "%12.6g,\t").

    Set the format to the 'newFormat' (e.g., "%.6g,\t" or "%12.6g,\t").


    the new format String

  97. def size: Int

    Return the size (number of elements) of 'this' vector.

    Return the size (number of elements) of 'this' vector.

    Definition Classes
    VectoIVec → GenTraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  98. def sizeHintIfCheap: Int
    Definition Classes
  99. def slice(from: Int, till: Int = dim): VectoI

    Slice 'this' vector 'from' to 'end'.

    Slice 'this' vector 'from' to 'end'.


    the start of the slice (included)


    the end of the slice (excluded)

    Definition Classes
    VectoI → TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  100. def span(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): (Traversable[Int], Traversable[Int])
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  101. def splitAt(n: Int): (Traversable[Int], Traversable[Int])
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  102. def sq: VectoI

    Return the vector containing the square of each element of 'this' vector.

  103. def stringPrefix: String
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  104. def sum[B >: Int](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  105. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  106. def tail: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  107. def tails: Iterator[Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
  108. def take(n: Int): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  109. def takeWhile(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableLike
  110. def thisCollection: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
  111. def to[Col[_]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Int, Col[Int]]): Col[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  112. def toArray[B >: Int](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  113. def toBuffer[B >: Int]: Buffer[B]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  114. def toCollection(repr: Traversable[Int]): Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
  115. def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  116. def toIterable: Iterable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  117. def toIterator: Iterator[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableOnce
  118. def toList: List[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  119. def toMap[T, U](implicit ev: <:<[Int, (T, U)]): Map[T, U]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  120. def toSeq: Seq[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  121. def toSet[B >: Int]: Set[B]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  122. def toStream: Stream[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → GenTraversableOnce
  123. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → Any
  124. def toTraversable: Traversable[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
    @deprecatedOverriding( ... , "2.11.0" )
  125. def toVector: Vector[Int]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
  126. def transpose[B](implicit asTraversable: (Int) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): Traversable[Traversable[B]]
    Definition Classes

    (Changed in version 2.9.0) transpose throws an IllegalArgumentException if collections are not uniformly sized.

  127. def unzip[A1, A2](implicit asPair: (Int) ⇒ (A1, A2)): (Traversable[A1], Traversable[A2])
    Definition Classes
  128. def unzip3[A1, A2, A3](implicit asTriple: (Int) ⇒ (A1, A2, A3)): (Traversable[A1], Traversable[A2], Traversable[A3])
    Definition Classes
  129. def variance: Double

    Compute the (unbiased) sample variance of the elements of 'this' vector.

  130. def view(from: Int, until: Int): TraversableView[Int, Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
  131. def view: TraversableView[Int, Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
  132. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  133. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  134. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  135. def withFilter(p: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): FilterMonadic[Int, Traversable[Int]]
    Definition Classes
    TraversableLike → FilterMonadic
  136. def (b: VectoI): Int

    Compute the dot product (or inner product) of 'this' vector with vector 'b'.

    Compute the dot product (or inner product) of 'this' vector with vector 'b'.


    the other vector

  137. def (b: VectoI): Boolean

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for inequality.

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for inequality.


    that vector

  138. def (b: VectoI): Boolean

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for less than or equal to.

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for less than or equal to.


    that vector

  139. def (b: VectoI): Boolean

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for greater than or equal to.

    Compare 'this' vector with that vector 'b' for greater than or equal to.


    that vector

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Error

Inherited from Vec

Inherited from PartiallyOrdered[VectoI]

Inherited from Traversable[Int]

Inherited from GenTraversable[Int]

Inherited from GenericTraversableTemplate[Int, Traversable]

Inherited from TraversableLike[Int, Traversable[Int]]

Inherited from GenTraversableLike[Int, Traversable[Int]]

Inherited from Parallelizable[Int, ParIterable[Int]]

Inherited from TraversableOnce[Int]

Inherited from GenTraversableOnce[Int]

Inherited from FilterMonadic[Int, Traversable[Int]]

Inherited from HasNewBuilder[Int, Traversable[Int]]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
