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Tentative Schedule

This may change over the course of the Semester, check everyday. Here is the reading assignment schedule (here).

--- Preliminary 2010 Schedule ---
Previous year (2009) slides provided

(come to class to see updated slides for 2010
these may not be available on the web)


Date Topic   PDF


Course Introduction Preliminaries and Overview of Operating Systems:
Aug 17

Syllabus & Policies

Introduction to the course




Aug 18

Topic/presentation discussion



Project 1: YOSH (Due Aug 31)
C/UNIX Warm up

HW 1: An Introduction

Please write an intro message to the class list at URL:

Aug 19 Movie  

Thursday Aug 19 -- Drop ends for undergraduate level courses only (1000 – 5999) at midnight.

Friday Aug 20 - Add ends at midnight for undergraduate courses.

Please read Chapter 1 for next week.

Chapter 1-2 if you have the dinosaur book.

Operating System Structures:
Aug 24

Remainder movie (15 min)

C Tutorial

System Programming



Please write an intro message to the class list at URL:

Monday Aug 23 -- Drop ends for graduate level courses only (6000 – 9999) at midnight.

Tuesday Aug 24 - Add ends at midnight for graduate courses.

HW 2: Booting

Aug 25

Remainder movie (15 min)

System Programming (Pipes)

Pipe & Brief Project 1 discussion





Example Summaries (used by permission) from different class:


In example2 - although a nice write-up overall, the critique of the speaker (last paragraph) is 2/5 - as it did not mention or convey the coverage of particular concepts.

Aug 26

OS Design & Structures

Return Quiz

Class Photo





Please have a 'name tag' ready use for the individual pictures (e.g., it could be as simple as your name written on a piece of note book paper).

Taking Pictures with Digital Camera

Aug 31

OS Structures




Pipe Tutorial

( SRC for tutorial)

Project 2 : Minix Kernel Gentle Hack and Installation

HW3: Design and Processes

Sep 01

First Mini-Conference on System Design and History


(1) Presenter 1/2/3

Sep 02


- Patrick shell demo (5min)
- Patrick shell demo (5min)
- ? shell demo (5min)


  updated slides 09/10/2010 on processes - top PDF in column to the lef
Processes & Process Communication (General)
  Sep 06 Labor Day: Monday     Monday - Holiday - no classes
Sep 07 Processes   [PDF]

(9/10/2010 update on process slides)

Sep 08 Stuctures & Design   [PDF]

(2) Presenter 4/5/6

Sep 09


Processes & Sockets



Example Code

Process Communication: Socket Programming/RPC/RMI
Sep 14 Socket Programming (Multi-Tasking)    

Project 3 : Chatty Server & Client

(will change some, but starting early can still be beneficial - some links don't work yet in the description)

Project 1 Grades (here) - does not include penalty for late turn-ins

HW 4: Mailbox Snd/Rcv & Shared Memory Communication on Odin

Sep 15    

(3) Presenter 6/7/8:

For specific paper see reading assignment (link here).

Sep 16 Remote Procedure Calls  

Slides for RPC now available

code snippets here.



Sep 21 Threads  

HW 5: RPC On Odin (yes, works!)

& atlas (maybe)


Sep 22      

(4) Presenter 9/10/11

Summary-HW Grades (here)

Sep 23 Presentations/ Scheduling High Level View  
(5) Presenter 13/14


Scheduling / Review / Exam 1

Sep 28 Scheduling  

Project 4 : QUFiX: Queing Strategy Schedulers (preview available - but the particular protocols will vary - you must use at least MINIX version 3.1.7 or up)

contested      project 1
Minix Install   project 2
Chatt             project 3
P & HW          latest-p-h

Sep 29    

(6) Presenter 15/16/17

Sep 30



Team Assignments are listed here:


Scheduling / Review / Exam 1
Oct 05 Interrupt Handling MINIX, Review for Exam    

HW 6: Practice Problems Exam (hard copy handed out - you must attend class to receive a hard copy)

Due Oct 12th


Oct 06    

(7) Presenter 18/19/20

Oct 07 Exam 1  

October 07 is Official Middle of Term of for Fall 2010

MINIX / Exam 1 return / Guest Topic:
Oct 12 Hand back Exam, MINIX  


(HW 6 due)


Oct 13



(8) Presenter 21/22/23

For specific paper see presentation link above.

Oct 14 Kang Li  
Guest Speaker
Synchronization (part 1 & part 2)
Oct 19



Project 5 Semaphore (same as last year, but you must use Minix 3.1.7+)

Due date: Nov 09, 2010


Oct 20    

(1) Presenter 1/2/3/4

Before Withrawal:  lGradeSheet|

Oct 21    

latest update: lGradeSheet|

(refresh often)

**** October 21 (Thursday) Withdrawal Deadline (Fall 2010)

Synchronization & Deadlock & Demos
Oct 26 Demos for P4  
Mandatory Attendance
Oct 27    

(2) Presenter 5/6/7/8

HW 7: Lessons learned from scheduling and synchronization.

Oct 28    

latest update: lGradeSheet|

Regarding summaries - a guidelines on what questions to anwer is here

* You can replace one HW

* You may replace 2 summaries

(expectations: the replacement needs to show that you read and understood the paper)

Oct 29 Friday     Fall Break
Deadlock & Memory
Nov 02    

Project 6: Memory

(note overlap with Project 5, plan time wisely)


Nov 03    

(3) Presenter 9/10/11/12

Nov 04    
Memory/Virtual Memory:
H8,P6 Nov 09 Memory  

HW 8: Memory and Deadlock

latest update: lGradeSheet|

Project 6: Memory


Nov 10      

(4) Presenter 13/14/15/16

For specific paper see presentation link above.

Nov 11 Memory / File  

Due Date Project 5 

HW 8: Practice Problems Exam 2 (hard copy handed out - you must attend class to receive a hard copy)

Due Date Nov 30th (but you really should have this completed before the exam)

Nov 16 Demos Project 5 Same schedule as last time    

H9: Lessons Learned and additional practice problems


Nov 17 File  


Nov 18 Exam 2  

Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory, Virtual Memory

Papers covered between Oct 7th-Nov 10th (inclusive)


Thanksgiving Break (November 22-26)
Nov 23    
Nov 24  
Nov 25    
Odds/Ends: File System


Nov 30 File  

HW 10: File and P-threads


Dec 01 Return Exams  


(5) Presenter 17/18/19/20


Dec 02

File Implementation

  Project 6 Due (note overlap)
Dec 07
No class - will have special office hours, please let me know if you need to see me.  

This Tuesday is viewed as a Friday, if you need to discuss any 'contests' you must discuss it with the intructor here at the latest

Classes End

Dec 08 (Wednesday)
Reading Day

Finals (December 9-10, 13-15) / Grades Due / Commencement

Dec 13

Final Day 3

latest update: lGradeSheet|

Dec 14 (Tuesday)

Our Exam 3:30-6:30  
Final Day 4
Grades Due / Commencement
Dec 17 (Friday)    


latest (final & P6 done): lGradeSheet|

Dec 21 (Tuesday)     Grades Due @ 5 PM



Material & Resources are drawn from several resources (& inspired by):

Book Authors: Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne; Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit; William Stallings (previously MIT); Deitel & Deitel’s OS Book and many more…

Other Instructors & Colleagues: Andrea & Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin; Andy Wang, (UCLA) now Florida State University Fred Kuhns, Washington University; Jeff Donahoo, Baylor University (TCP/IP and sockets),

Students feedback and last but not least Wikipedia (Yes! It is becoming quite nice).