Here is a preliminary schedule, but it will change over the course of the Semester, check everyday. Here is the presentation/reading assignment schedule (
Week |
Date |
Topics |
Notes/Assignment |
Preliminaries and Overview of Simulation |
1 |
P1, A1 |
08/14-16 |
- Syllabus & Policies
- Summaries & Technical Talks
- Soccer Simulator Discussion
- Simulation Motivation
2012-2013 Academic Calendar
UG drop day (Thu, Aug 16)
UG add day (Fri, Aug 17)
HW 1: An Introduction
Project 1: Soccer Server
Please also write a message introducing yourself to the class listserv (see HW 1 an introduction)
2 |
P2, A2 |
08/21-23 |
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Event Oriented View
- Assign first few weeks of paper persentations (maybe done over email list)
- Class Photo (bring name plate Wednesday).
- individual pictures
- group/class picture
- Soccer Simulator discussion & progress graded in class (final grade on Tuesday 08/28), on both days bring laptop,run java soccer server (we will spend 20-25 minutes on this task).
- Movie Trillion Dollar Bet (50 minutes)
Grad drop day (Mon, Aug 20)
Grad add day (Tue, Aug 21)
Parallel Discrete Event Simualtion Preliminaries & Optimistic Simulation |
3 |
08/28-30 |
- Tuesday: Present & Vote on Class Soccer ServerVolunteers (6-8).
- Wednesday -
- Assign papers
- Server Discussion (Ben & Tom)
- Final Check Point Project 1 (must run on laptop for full credit)
- Soccer Tournament (Th)
- Submit one killer TEAM Thursday. Must be a .class file (not code) on the listserv.
Project 2: Soccer Teams
4 |
09/04-07 |
- Tue:
- Discrete Event Simulation & Process Orientation.
- End of period: Final Soccer
- Presentations (weekly from here and forward)
- Presentations 1,2 - see link "here" above the schedule.
- Turn in Summary by midnight
- Hardcopy before class
- Presenters please send slides to the list.
09/03 Mon, Labor Day (does not impact our class)
You should have read the entire first two chapters (and part of Chapter 3 specifically 3.1, 3.2) in the textbook by the end of this week.
- example1.doc
- example2.doc
- Note that although example2 is a nice write-up overall, the critique of the speaker (last paragraph) is 2/5 - as it did not mention or convey the coverage of particular concepts.
5 |
09/11-13 |
- Null Messages (Chapter 3)
- Assign rest of pressentations
- Time Warp: Introduction to Local Control
Continue to read Chapter 3 up to Null Messages (3.1 and 3.2), next for Time Warp, you should skip forward to to Chapter 4 and read 4.1 and 4.2.
6 |
09/18-20 |
- Global Virtual Time 1
- Global Virtual Time 2
Project 3: The Path to Pong
Python Tutorial: [PDF]
Grades Project Soccer
Grades Summaries (does not include late (hard copies) turn-ins.
7 |
09/25-27 |
- Biological or Market Simulation (Guest Speaker, this week or next week)
- Wrap-up of Optimistic Techniques
Project 4: Walking Ants: From Pong to real Paths
HW2: Randomness of Data
8 |
10/02-04 |
- Wrap-up of Optimistic Techniques
- Exam 1 (tentative date)
HW3: Modeling a Trader.
10/04/2012 Thursday, Middle of Term
9 |
10/09-11 |
- Wrap-UP Optimistic Simulation
- Return Tests (Thursday)
Part 2: Exam Literature review ( pdf )
10 |
10/16-18 |
- Odds & ends Optimistic Simulation
10/18 Thu, Withdrawal Deadline
11 |
10/23-25 |
- Th: Marketing Poject.
- Phase 1: paper presentations end.
- Dead Reckoning
10/26 Fri, Fall break (does not impact our class)
12 |
10/30-01 |
- Final Project Proposal Discussion
- Presentations & Discussion
- Dead Reckoning continued
Final Project Discussion (final project projects and exercises will be assigned in parallel to regular projects - as the intitial milestones should not be heavy workload).
13 |
11/06-08 |
- HLA Intro
- HLA Time Management
Cole's SASSY
Tuesday: Submit proposal 'thread' on piazza
Thursday: Submit 5 constructive critiques (algorithm - pick the proposal with fewest number of critiques, and you may do more than 5 if you like).
14 |
11/13-15 |
- HLA: Repeatability (Tu)
- HLA: Data Distribution (Tu/We)
- Thu: Final Project Progress Report (DUE 11/15 - before class)
- Informal 5-10 presentation.
Zero Lookahead ( pdf )
Summary: Due Wednesday - Market Simulator project.
UGA Traffic (Daniel Reed's): ( link )
RePaST Traffic Simulator: ( link )
11/20-22 |
Thanksgiving Holidays 
15 |
11/27-29 |
- Tue: Exam 2: Tuesday
- Time Paralllel Simulation
- Last week of our class.
[PDF]. |
11/29 - final day of instruction
Project 5 : Spreadhsheet portfolio
Project 6 : Market simulation
16 |
12/04-06 |
- Thursday 12/06 , 12:00- 3:00 PM, Final Exam (Same as class room)
- Piazzo
12/04 We don't have a Friday class, so there is class on 12/04.
12/05 Reading Day
Our Final Exam is on Thursday 12/06
@ 12:00 - 3 PM
UGA Final Exam Schedule
17 |
12/17 |
Grades Due Monday, 12/17, 5 PM
Grade Sheet: All Grades
Final Project: Comments |