Members list
Type members
The BiMap
class maps keys to values and values to keys.
The BiMap
class maps keys to values and values to keys.
Type parameters
- K
the key type
- V
the value type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The Calc
object provides a template for evaluating/calculating scalar functions. Replace the part after the equal sign with your formula.
The Calc
object provides a template for evaluating/calculating scalar functions. Replace the part after the equal sign with your formula.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The CircularQueue
provides a circular queue that can be used to store the latest 'cap' elements.
The CircularQueue
provides a circular queue that can be used to store the latest 'cap' elements.
Value parameters
- cap
the capacity or maximum number of elements that can be stored
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The Counter
class supports the creation of counters.
The Counter
class supports the creation of counters.
Value parameters
- value_
the initial value for the counter
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The DoubleLinked
class provides a data structure implementing mutable doubly-linked lists. succ --> --> tail (last car) --> [e1] [e2] [e3] <-- head (lead car) pred <-- <--
The DoubleLinked
class provides a data structure implementing mutable doubly-linked lists. succ --> --> tail (last car) --> [e1] [e2] [e3] <-- head (lead car) pred <-- <--
Type parameters
- A
the type of the elements/values in the list
- Supertypes
trait Serializableclass AbstractIterable[A]trait Iterable[A]class AbstractIterable[A]trait Iterable[A]trait IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Iterable]trait IterableOps[A, Iterable, Iterable[A]]trait IterableOnceOps[A, Iterable, Iterable[A]]trait IterableOnce[A]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The Earth
object stores basic Earth properties.
The Earth
object stores basic Earth properties.
- See also
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The EasyWriter
class makes it easy to switch between writing to standard output and a (log) file.
The EasyWriter
class makes it easy to switch between writing to standard output and a (log) file.
Value parameters
- filename
the name of the file to be written
- project
the project or directory involved
- toFile
flag indicating whether to write to a file
- Supertypes
class Writertrait Flushabletrait Closeabletrait AutoCloseabletrait Appendableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The HyperParameter
class provides a simple and flexible means for handling model/optimization hyper-parameters. A model/optimizer may have one or more hyper-parameters that are organized into a map name -> (value, defaultV). Allows hyper-parameters to be changed without constant re-compilation or resorting to long arguments lists Usage: hp("eta") = 0.01
The HyperParameter
class provides a simple and flexible means for handling model/optimization hyper-parameters. A model/optimizer may have one or more hyper-parameters that are organized into a map name -> (value, defaultV). Allows hyper-parameters to be changed without constant re-compilation or resorting to long arguments lists Usage: hp("eta") = 0.01
- Supertypes
trait Cloneableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The LatLong
class stores Latitude-Longitude coordinates. Note: when converting from String to a number use 'mk' not 'to' (e.g., mkInt not toInt).
The LatLong
class stores Latitude-Longitude coordinates. Note: when converting from String to a number use 'mk' not 'to' (e.g., mkInt not toInt).
Value parameters
- lat
the latitude in degrees North of the Equator
- long
the longitude in degrees East of the Prime Meridian
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The LatLong2UTM
object support conversion from Latitude-Longitude coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
The LatLong2UTM
object support conversion from Latitude-Longitude coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The MergeSortIndirect
class provides an implementation of Indirect Merge Sort, a version of mergesort that does not re-arrange the array, but modifies an Int array called perm such that perm(i) is the index of the i-th smallest entry in the array (i.e., a(perm(i)) <= a(perm(i+1)). The isort method returns the permutation that sorts array a in perm.
The MergeSortIndirect
class provides an implementation of Indirect Merge Sort, a version of mergesort that does not re-arrange the array, but modifies an Int array called perm such that perm(i) is the index of the i-th smallest entry in the array (i.e., a(perm(i)) <= a(perm(i+1)). The isort method returns the permutation that sorts array a in perm.
Value parameters
- a
the array to be indirectly sorted
- perm
the initial permutation, either 0 until a.length or result of last isort
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The MultiArrayDeques
class provides a data structure for storing multiple ArrayDeque
s for the purpose of maintaining multiple parallel lanes. For example cars on a multi-lane road can be positioned in this data structure. It allows cars to added and removed and supports finding cars at a similar distance (from the start) to be found in another lane.
The MultiArrayDeques
class provides a data structure for storing multiple ArrayDeque
s for the purpose of maintaining multiple parallel lanes. For example cars on a multi-lane road can be positioned in this data structure. It allows cars to added and removed and supports finding cars at a similar distance (from the start) to be found in another lane.
Value parameters
- nLanes
the number of lanes
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The PriorityQueue
class implements priority queues using a heap. To prioritize elements of type A there must be an implicit Ordering [A] available at creation.
The PriorityQueue
class implements priority queues using a heap. To prioritize elements of type A there must be an implicit Ordering [A] available at creation.
If multiple elements have the same priority in the ordering of this PriorityQueue, no guarantees are made regarding the order in which elements are returned by dequeue
or dequeueAll
. In particular, that means this class does not guarantee first in first out behaviour that may be incorrectly inferred from the Queue part of the name of this class.
Only the dequeue
and dequeueAll
methods will return elements in priority order (while removing elements from the heap). Standard collection methods including drop
, iterator
, and toString
will remove or traverse the heap in whichever order seems most convenient.
Therefore, printing a PriorityQueue
will not reveal the priority order of the elements, though the highest-priority element will be printed first. To print the elements in order, one must duplicate the PriorityQueue
(by using clone
, for instance) and then dequeue them:
Type parameters
- A
type of the elements in this priority queue.
Value parameters
- ord
implicit ordering used to compare the elements of type
- Example
val pq = collection.mutable.PriorityQueue(1, 2, 5, 3, 7) println(pq) // elements probably not in order println(pq.clone.dequeueAll) // prints ArraySeq(7, 5, 3, 2, 1)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Cloneabletrait Growable[A]trait Clearableclass AbstractIterable[A]trait Iterable[A]class AbstractIterable[A]trait Iterable[A]trait IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Iterable]trait IterableOnce[A]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The PriorityQueue
object ...
The PriorityQueue
object ...
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
trait SortedIterableFactory[PriorityQueue]trait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
The Ring
class provides a circular array that can be used to store the latest cap elements. Example to add elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 keeping the most recebt 5: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] f = 0, l = 4 [ 6, 7, 3, 4, 5 ] f = 2, l = 1
The Ring
class provides a circular array that can be used to store the latest cap elements. Example to add elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 keeping the most recebt 5: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] f = 0, l = 4 [ 6, 7, 3, 4, 5 ] f = 2, l = 1
Value parameters
- cap
the capacity or maximum number of elements that can be stored
- zero
an element that indicates zero for type A
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The SimpleUniform
case class for generating random numbers in the interval [a, b].
The SimpleUniform
case class for generating random numbers in the interval [a, b].
- See also
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The SkipList
class ...
The SkipList
class ...
Type parameters
- K
the type of the keys contained in this sorted map
- V
the type of the values assigned to keys in this sorted map
Value parameters
- ordering
the implicit ordering used to compare objects of type K
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The SkipNodeType
The SkipNodeType
Type parameters
- K
the type of the keys contained in this sorted map
- V
the type of the values assigned to keys in this sorted map
Value parameters
- key
the key for this node
- next
array of references to next nodes
- value
the value for this node
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The TimeNum
companion object is used to represent and operate on date-time values. It contains an implicit class definition for TimeNum
, which extends Instant
with Numeric
operations that can be used in VectorT
. The java.time.Instant
class stores nano-seconds since the UNIX Epoch using a long
for seconds and int
for nano-seconds (12 bytes or 96 bits). The java.time.ZonedDateTime
class is used with it to handle various date-time formats.
The TimeNum
companion object is used to represent and operate on date-time values. It contains an implicit class definition for TimeNum
, which extends Instant
with Numeric
operations that can be used in VectorT
. The java.time.Instant
class stores nano-seconds since the UNIX Epoch using a long
for seconds and int
for nano-seconds (12 bytes or 96 bits). The java.time.ZonedDateTime
class is used with it to handle various date-time formats.
The TimeNum
class is used to represent and operate on date-time numbers. Internally, a date-time number is represented as an Instant
The TimeNum
class is used to represent and operate on date-time numbers. Internally, a date-time number is represented as an Instant
Value parameters
- inst
the underlying
of time
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
The UTM2LatLong
object support conversion from Universal_Transverse_Mercator (UTM) coordinates to Latitude-Longitude coordinates.
The UTM2LatLong
object support conversion from Universal_Transverse_Mercator (UTM) coordinates to Latitude-Longitude coordinates.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The Unicode
object provides arrays to facilitate the use of Unicode. ScalaTion currently uses a few UTF-16 characters, see code below. Most UTF-16 characters are 2 bytes (16 bits). Extended characters are encoded in 4 bytes. ScalaTion limits characters to the range 'U+0000' to 'U+2bff'. Developers should test Unicode symbols here before trying them in the code.
The Unicode
object provides arrays to facilitate the use of Unicode. ScalaTion currently uses a few UTF-16 characters, see code below. Most UTF-16 characters are 2 bytes (16 bits). Extended characters are encoded in 4 bytes. ScalaTion limits characters to the range 'U+0000' to 'U+2bff'. Developers should test Unicode symbols here before trying them in the code.
- See also
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The ValueTypeOrd
object provides Ordering
for ValueType
via the compare method. Used by methods that need Ordering
for ValueType
, e.g., max (ValueTypeOrd).
The ValueTypeOrd
object provides Ordering
for ValueType
via the compare method. Used by methods that need Ordering
for ValueType
, e.g., max (ValueTypeOrd).
- Supertypes
- Self type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Type definition for functions mapping scalar Double
to scalar Double
Type definition for functions mapping scalar Double
to scalar Double
Type definition for an interval [a, b]
Type definition for an interval [a, b]
The Property
type is a map from property names to property values.
The Property
type is a map from property names to property values.
Value members
Concrete methods
Print a banner, i.e., a string in a box.
Print a banner, i.e., a string in a box.
Value parameters
- str
the string to put in the banner
The biMapTest
main function is used the test the BiMap
The biMapTest
main function is used the test the BiMap
runMain scalation.biMapTest
The boolTest
main function tests the Bool
extension methods.
The boolTest
main function tests the Bool
extension methods.
runMain scalation.boolTest
The cube function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is cbrt.
The cube function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is cbrt.
Value parameters
- x
the value to cube
C/Java style for loop provides improved performance. usage: cfor (i < 10, i += 1) { a(i) = 2 * i }
C/Java style for loop provides improved performance. usage: cfor (i < 10, i += 1) { a(i) = 2 * i }
Value parameters
- body
main body of the loop
- pred
loop continuation predicate
- step
increment step
- See also
C/Java style for loop provides improved performance. usage: cfor ({i = 0}, i < 10, i += 1) { a(i) = 2 * i }
C/Java style for loop provides improved performance. usage: cfor ({i = 0}, i < 10, i += 1) { a(i) = 2 * i }
Value parameters
- body
main body of the loop
- init
initialization part
- pred
loop continuation predicate
- step
increment step
- See also
The circularQueueTest
main function is used to test the CircularQueue
The circularQueueTest
main function is used to test the CircularQueue
runMain scalation.circularQueueTest
The cotangent function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is atan.
The cotangent function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is atan.
Value parameters
- x
the angle in radians
The counterTest
main function test the Counter
The counterTest
main function test the Counter
runMain scalation.counterTest
The cosecant function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is acsc.
The cosecant function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is acsc.
Value parameters
- x
the angle in radians
Show the debugging information that can be enabled or disabled. Usage: def debug: Unit = debugf ("MyClass", true) debug ("myMethod", s"x = $x")
Show the debugging information that can be enabled or disabled. Usage: def debug: Unit = debugf ("MyClass", true) debug ("myMethod", s"x = $x")
Value parameters
- clsName
the class/trait/object containing the method
- enabled
indicates whether the debug message is enabled
- message
the error message
- method
the method where the error occurred
The doublyLinkedListTest
main function tests the DoublyLinkedList
The doublyLinkedListTest
main function tests the DoublyLinkedList
runMain scalation.doublyLinkedListTest
The easyWriterTest
main function is used to test the EasyWriter
class. It will write into a file, unless there is a command-line argument.
The easyWriterTest
main function is used to test the EasyWriter
class. It will write into a file, unless there is a command-line argument.
runMain scalation.easyWriterTest
Show the flaw by printing the error message and returning false. Usage: def flaw: Unit = flawf ("MyClass") flaw ("myMethod", "Houston we have a problem")
Show the flaw by printing the error message and returning false. Usage: def flaw: Unit = flawf ("MyClass") flaw ("myMethod", "Houston we have a problem")
Value parameters
- clsName
the class/trait/object containing the method
- message
the error message
- method
the method where the error occurred
Format a double value for printing.
Format a double value for printing.
Value parameters
- x
the double value to format
Calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'gauge { block }'. Return the block of code's elapsed time.
Calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'gauge { block }'. Return the block of code's elapsed time.
Value parameters
- block
the block of code to be executed
- See also
The genIndexHtml
main function is used to create "index.html" files in source code directories (main and test) to enable Web browsing of source code.
The genIndexHtml
main function is used to create "index.html" files in source code directories (main and test) to enable Web browsing of source code.
runMain scalation.GenIndexHtml
Return a line iterator for a line-oriented data source (e.g., CSV file). The data source is accessed via (1) URL, (2) file's absolute path, or (3) file's relative path (relative to 'DATA-DIR').
Return a line iterator for a line-oriented data source (e.g., CSV file). The data source is accessed via (1) URL, (2) file's absolute path, or (3) file's relative path (relative to 'DATA-DIR').
Value parameters
- path
the path name of the data source (via URL or file's path name)
- See also
The hyperParameterTest
main function is used to test the HyperParameter
The hyperParameterTest
main function is used to test the HyperParameter
runMain scalation.hyperParameterTest
The hyperParameterTest2
main function is used to test the HyperParameter
The hyperParameterTest2
main function is used to test the HyperParameter
runMain scalation.hyperParameterTest2
The identity function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is itself.
The identity function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is itself.
Value parameters
- x
the value to return
Convert Boolean
to Int
(true -> 1, false -> 0).
Convert Boolean
to Int
(true -> 1, false -> 0).
Value parameters
- p
the predicate to convert
The latLongTest
main function tests UTM to LatLong conversions in both directions.
The latLongTest
main function tests UTM to LatLong conversions in both directions.
runMain scalation.latLongTest
The latLongTest2
main function tests distance calculations based on latitude longitude locations for typical elevation (Athens, GA to Atlanta, GA).
The latLongTest2
main function tests distance calculations based on latitude longitude locations for typical elevation (Athens, GA to Atlanta, GA).
runMain scalation.latLongTest2
The latLongTest3
main function tests distance calculations based on latitude longitude locations for high elevation (Aspen, CO to Breckenridge, CO).
The latLongTest3
main function tests distance calculations based on latitude longitude locations for high elevation (Aspen, CO to Breckenridge, CO).
runMain scalation.latLongTest3
The latLongTest4
main function tests the kNearest method used to find locations near by to Athens, GA.
The latLongTest4
main function tests the kNearest method used to find locations near by to Athens, GA.
runMain scalation.latLongTest4
The log base 2 function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is pow2.
The log base 2 function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is pow2.
Value parameters
- x
the value whose log is sought
The log base b function (note log is the natural log). Its inverse function is pow.
The log base b function (note log is the natural log). Its inverse function is pow.
Value parameters
- b
the base of the logarithm
- x
the value whose log is sought
The makeVectorI
main function make a draft version of VectorI
from VectorD
. It reads from standard input and writes to standard output.
The makeVectorI
main function make a draft version of VectorI
from VectorD
. It reads from standard input and writes to standard output.
sbt run
Return the maximum of three values: x, y, z.
Return the maximum of three values: x, y, z.
Value parameters
- x
the first value
- y
the second value
- z
the third value
Return x, unless it is lees than the lower limit in absolute value, return limit with x's sign.
Return x, unless it is lees than the lower limit in absolute value, return limit with x's sign.
Value parameters
- limit
the lower limit (a small positive value)
- x
the given value
Find the median of three unordered numbers.
Find the median of three unordered numbers.
Value parameters
- a1
the first number
- a2
the second number
- a3
the third number
Return the free, total, and max memory in MB (actually MiB).
Return the free, total, and max memory in MB (actually MiB).
The mergeSortIndirectTest
is used to test the MergeSortIndirect
class. This test illustrates sorting multiple types.
The mergeSortIndirectTest
is used to test the MergeSortIndirect
class. This test illustrates sorting multiple types.
runMain scalation.mergeSortIndirectTest
The mergeSortIndirectTest2
is used to test the MergeSortIndirect
class. This test illustrates sorting multiple columns.
The mergeSortIndirectTest2
is used to test the MergeSortIndirect
class. This test illustrates sorting multiple columns.
runMain scalation.mergeSortIndirectTest2
The multiArrayDequesTest
main function tests the MultiArrayDeques
The multiArrayDequesTest
main function tests the MultiArrayDeques
runMain scalation.multiArrayDequesTest
Value parameters
- x
the first double precision floating point number
- y
the second double precision floating point number
- See also
If both 'x' and 'y' are NaN (Not-a-Number), the IEEE standard indicates that should be considered always not equal. For 'near_eq', they are considered nearly equal. Comment out the first line below to conform more closely to the IEEE standard.
The power base 2 function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is log2.
The power base 2 function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is log2.
Value parameters
- x
the value of the exponent 2^x
Power function for scala Longs x ~^ y. Compute: math.pow (x, y).toLong without using floating point, so as to not lose precision.
Power function for scala Longs x ~^ y. Compute: math.pow (x, y).toLong without using floating point, so as to not lose precision.
Value parameters
- x
the Long base parameter
- y
the Long exponent parameter
Read and print each line in the file.
Read and print each line in the file.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name (relative or full path)
- fullPath
flag indicating whether the user wants full or relative file paths defaults to false (relative paths)
- See also
in Util.scala
Read each line in the file and put each one into an array that's returned.
Read each line in the file and put each one into an array that's returned.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name (relative or full path)
- fullPath
flag indicating whether the user wants full or relative file paths defaults to false (relative paths)
- limit
the limit on the number of lines to read
- See also
in Util.scalagetFromURL_File
in Util.scala has similar functionality, but returns anIterator
Read the file one line at a time by returning an iterator. The client code should call hasNext to see if there are more lines, next to read the next line, and close to close the buffer at the end. The iterator and buffer are returned.
Read the file one line at a time by returning an iterator. The client code should call hasNext to see if there are more lines, next to read the next line, and close to close the buffer at the end. The iterator and buffer are returned.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name (relative or full path)
- fullPath
flag indicating whether the user wants full or relative file paths defaults to false (relative paths)
- See also
in Util.scala
The readFileTest
main function is used to test the file reading functions. Read the travel time dataset.
The readFileTest
main function is used to test the file reading functions. Read the travel time dataset.
runMain scalation.readFileTest
The readFileTest2
main function is used to test the file reading functions. Read the COVID-19 dataset with a limit of 200 lines.
The readFileTest2
main function is used to test the file reading functions. Read the COVID-19 dataset with a limit of 200 lines.
runMain scalation.readFileTest2
The reciprocal function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is itself.
The reciprocal function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is itself.
Value parameters
- x
the value to take the reciprocal of
The redirectOutTest
main function is used to redirect standard output (stdout). FIX - should work without writing System.out
The redirectOutTest
main function is used to redirect standard output (stdout). FIX - should work without writing System.out
runMain scalation.redirectOutTest
Return the relative difference between x and y.
Return the relative difference between x and y.
Value parameters
- x
the first double precision floating point number
- y
the second double precision floating point number
Remove 'n' characters starting at position 'i' in string 'str' and return the new string.
Remove 'n' characters starting at position 'i' in string 'str' and return the new string.
Value parameters
- i
the starting position for character removal
- n
the number of characters to remove
- str
the source string
Remove the last path element from the file/directory pathname.
Remove the last path element from the file/directory pathname.
Value parameters
- s
the string to be so truncated
The ringTest
main function is used to test the Ring
The ringTest
main function is used to test the Ring
runMain scalation.ringTest
Round the given double x to the closest integer (Int
Round the given double x to the closest integer (Int
Value parameters
- x
the double number which needs to be rounded
Round the given double x to the closest long integer (Long
Round the given double x to the closest long integer (Long
Value parameters
- x
the double number which needs to be rounded
Round the given double x to the desired number of decimal places.
Round the given double x to the desired number of decimal places.
Value parameters
- places
the desired number of decimal places
- x
the double number which needs to be rounded off
The runCalc
main function evaluates the function f on the given input.
The runCalc
main function evaluates the function f on the given input.
Value parameters
- x
the command-line argument passed to function f
runMain scalation.runCalc
The runCalcHelp
main function list the operators used in floating point calculations.
The runCalcHelp
main function list the operators used in floating point calculations.
runMain scalation.runCalcHelp
Safe method for converting a String
into a Double
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Safe method for converting a String
into a Double
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Value parameters
- s
the string to convert to a Double
Safe method for converting a String
into a Int
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Safe method for converting a String
into a Int
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Value parameters
- s
the string to convert to an Int
Safe method for converting a String
into a Long
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Safe method for converting a String
into a Long
that catches the exceptions and avoids the "infinite loop problem".
Value parameters
- s
the string to convert to a Long
The secant function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is asec.
The secant function of type FunctionS2S
(function missing from scala.math
). Its inverse function is asec.
Value parameters
- x
the angle in radians
The setExtTest
main function test the SetExt extention methods.
The setExtTest
main function test the SetExt extention methods.
runMain scalation.setExtTest
Return the absolute value of x with the sign of y.
Return the absolute value of x with the sign of y.
Value parameters
- x
the value contributor
- y
the sign contributor
The skipListTest
main function test the SkipList
The skipListTest
main function test the SkipList
runMain scalation.database.skipListTest
Make a string for use in printing a line of '-'s.
Make a string for use in printing a line of '-'s.
Value parameters
- n
the number of '-'s to use
The square function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is sqrt.
The square function of type FunctionS2S
. Its inverse function is sqrt.
Value parameters
- x
the value to square
Summation of the formula applied n times.
Summation of the formula applied n times.
Value parameters
- formula
the formula to apply, repeatedly
- n
the number of iterations
Swap two elements in a regular array.
Swap two elements in a regular array.
Value parameters
- i
first element to swap
- j
second element to swap
Swap two elements in a resizable array.
Swap two elements in a resizable array.
Value parameters
- i
first element to swap
- j
second element to swap
Print the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'time { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code.
Print the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'time { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code.
Value parameters
- block
the block of code to be executed
- See also
Print the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'time (10) { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code. Executes the block of code multiple times for better resolution and accuracy.
Print the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'time (10) { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code. Executes the block of code multiple times for better resolution and accuracy.
Value parameters
- amplify
the number of times to execute the block of code
- block
the block of code to be executed
- skip
whether to skip the first execution due to slowness of the JIT-Compiler
- See also
The timeNumTest
main function is used to test the TimeNum
The timeNumTest
main function is used to test the TimeNum
runMain scalation.timeNumTest
The timeNumTest2
main function is used to test the TimeNum
class regarding approximately equal date-times.
The timeNumTest2
main function is used to test the TimeNum
class regarding approximately equal date-times.
runMain scalation.timeNumTest2
The timeNumTest3
main function is used to test the TimeNum
class regarding its getChrono method.
The timeNumTest3
main function is used to test the TimeNum
class regarding its getChrono method.
runMain scalation.timeNumTest3
Calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'timed { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code and its elapsed time.
Calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) for the execution of an arbitrary block of code: 'timed { block }'. Return any result produced by the block of code and its elapsed time.
Value parameters
- block
the block of code to be executed
- See also
The timerTest
main function tests the timer methods. Due to the short execution time of the quadraticEq method, the amplify value should be 1000 to 1000000.
The timerTest
main function tests the timer methods. Due to the short execution time of the quadraticEq method, the amplify value should be 1000 to 1000000.
runMain scalation.timerTest
Return the type of an object as string, e.g., "Double".
Return the type of an object as string, e.g., "Double".
Value parameters
- o
the object whose type is sought
Determine by the form of a string its likely domain using regular expression matching, returning a character: D
ouble | I
nt | L
ong | S
tring | T
Determine by the form of a string its likely domain using regular expression matching, returning a character: D
ouble | I
nt | L
ong | S
tring | T
Value parameters
- str
the type un-differentiated string whose domain is sought
- See also
The unicodeTest
main function is used to the Unicode
The unicodeTest
main function is used to the Unicode
runMain scalation.unicodeTest
The valueTypeTest
main function is used to test the ValueType
The valueTypeTest
main function is used to test the ValueType
runMain scalation.valueTypeTest
Concrete fields
Universal symbol for the ? character (e.g., meaning all rows of column 2 in x(?, 2) for matrix x)
Universal symbol for the ? character (e.g., meaning all rows of column 2 in x(?, 2) for matrix x)
Base directory for ScalaTion (pick one, comment out the rest)
Base directory for ScalaTion (pick one, comment out the rest)
File-name extension for CSV data files
File-name extension for CSV data files
File system path for input/output data directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
File system path for input/output data directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
The number of hours in one day
The number of hours in one day
Smallest double such that 1.0 + EPSILON != 1.0, slightly above 2^-53. Also, known as the "machine epsilon".
Smallest double such that 1.0 + EPSILON != 1.0, slightly above 2^-53. Also, known as the "machine epsilon".
- See also
The number of minutes in one hour
The number of minutes in one hour
File-name extension for JSON data files
File-name extension for JSON data files
File system path for log (log/file output) directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
File system path for log (log/file output) directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
Largest positive 32-bit integer value (2147483647 = 2^31-1)
Largest positive 32-bit integer value (2147483647 = 2^31-1)
Largest positive finite value of type double, 2^1023
Largest positive finite value of type double, 2^1023
The number of seconds in one minute
The number of seconds in one minute
The most negative 32-bit integer value (-2147483648 = -2^31)
The most negative 32-bit integer value (-2147483648 = -2^31)
Smallest positive normal value of type double, 2^-1022 (retains full precision). Also, the smallest double such that 1.0 / 'SAFE_MIN' does not overflow.
Smallest positive normal value of type double, 2^-1022 (retains full precision). Also, the smallest double such that 1.0 / 'SAFE_MIN' does not overflow.
The number of millisecond (10-3) per second
The number of millisecond (10-3) per second
Special value representing negative infinity: 1111111111110...0 Ex: -1.0 / 0.0
Special value representing negative infinity: 1111111111110...0 Ex: -1.0 / 0.0
- See also
Indicators of missing/illegal values per datatype
Indicators of missing/illegal values per datatype
The number of nanoseconds (10-9) per millisecond
The number of nanoseconds (10-9) per millisecond
Special value representing positive infinity: 0111111111110...0 Ex: 1.0 / 0.0
Special value representing positive infinity: 0111111111110...0 Ex: 1.0 / 0.0
- See also
The number of units in one second Use 1.0 to make SECOND the base unit, 1.0 / 60.0 to make MINUTE the base unit, etc.
The number of units in one second Use 1.0 to make SECOND the base unit, 1.0 / 60.0 to make MINUTE the base unit, etc.
- See also
for alternative definitions
The file path separation character: '/' for Linux/Mac, '' for Windows Use either 'SEP' or '⁄' for portability, i.e., do not use '/' or ''.
The file path separation character: '/' for Linux/Mac, '' for Windows Use either 'SEP' or '⁄' for portability, i.e., do not use '/' or ''.
File-name extension for serialized tables FIX: investigate using more efficient serialization, e.g.,
File-name extension for serialized tables FIX: investigate using more efficient serialization, e.g.,
- See also
The token/element separation character (',' for CSV)
The token/element separation character (',' for CSV)
File system path for src (source code) directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
File system path for src (source code) directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
File system path for database storage directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
File system path for database storage directory Use 'SCALATION_HOME' environment variable or else BASE directory "."
Default tolerance should be much larger than the "machine epsilon". Application dependent => redefine as needed per application.
Default tolerance should be much larger than the "machine epsilon". Application dependent => redefine as needed per application.
The number of days in one week
The number of days in one week
The number 2π (needed in common calculations)
The number 2π (needed in common calculations)
The number 2/π (needed in common calculations)
The number 2/π (needed in common calculations)
The value of log 2
The value of log 2
The number srqt 2π (needed in common calculations)
The number srqt 2π (needed in common calculations)
The number srqt 2/π (needed in common calculations)
The number srqt 2/π (needed in common calculations)
Add the <<= operator as an extension method to java.time.Instant
Add the <<= operator as an extension method to java.time.Instant
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Extend Boolean
to include an and, or, not, xor. Note: they all have the same precedence.
Return whether set x is a proper subset of set y.
Return whether set x is a proper subset of set y.
Value parameters
- y
the other set
Return whether set x is not a proper subset of set y.
Return whether set x is not a proper subset of set y.
Value parameters
- y
the other set
Return whether set x is a subset of set y.
Return whether set x is a subset of set y.
Value parameters
- y
the other set
Return whether set x is not a subset of set y.
Return whether set x is not a subset of set y.
Value parameters
- y
the other set
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Int
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Long
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend Double
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
Extend String
to include an exponentiation operator (~^), nearly equal (=~) and in/out, as well operators for numeric types. Use '.mkDouble' instead of '.toDouble'.
The < extension method determines whether x < y.
The < extension method determines whether x < y.
The <= extension method determines whether x <= y.
The <= extension method determines whether x <= y.
The > extension method determines whether x > y.
The > extension method determines whether x > y.
The >= extension method determines whether x >= y.
The >= extension method determines whether x >= y.
The toDouble extension method converts a ValueType
to a Double
The toDouble extension method converts a ValueType
to a Double
The toInt extension method converts a ValueType
to an Int
The toInt extension method converts a ValueType
to an Int
The toLong extension method converts a ValueType
to an Long
The toLong extension method converts a ValueType
to an Long