Members list
Type members
The AR
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto-Regressive (AR) models. In an AR(p) model, p refers to the order of the Auto-Regressive components of the model. AR models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + e_t+1 where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, and e_t+1 is the noise term.
The AR
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto-Regressive (AR) models. In an AR(p) model, p refers to the order of the Auto-Regressive components of the model. AR models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + e_t+1 where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, and e_t+1 is the noise term.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
class provides basic time-series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an AR1MA(p, q) model, p and q refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; d=1 refers to the order of differencing. Works by taking the first difference and delegating to the ARMA
class. Also works for d=0 (no differencing).
class provides basic time-series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an AR1MA(p, q) model, p and q refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; d=1 refers to the order of differencing. Works by taking the first difference and delegating to the ARMA
class. Also works for d=0 (no differencing).
Value parameters
- diffr
whether to take a first difference (defaults to true)
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Supertypes
trait Fittrait FitMtrait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Companion object for class ARIMA
. Includes features related to differencing and automated order selection.
Companion object for class ARIMA
. Includes features related to differencing and automated order selection.
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an ARIMA(p, d, q) model, p and q refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; d refers to the order of differencing. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t = y(t) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t = δ + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, θ is the moving-average coefficient vector, and e is the noise vector.
If d > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying the above model.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the original input vector (time series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class ARMAtrait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto-Regressive, Moving-Average (ARMA) models. In an ARMA(p, q) model, p refers to the order of the Auto-Regressive components and q refers to the Moving-Average compoenest of the model. ARMA models are often used for forecasting. Given time-series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + Σ(θ_j e_t-j) + e_t+1 where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, θ is the moving-average vector, and e_t+1 is the noise term.
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto-Regressive, Moving-Average (ARMA) models. In an ARMA(p, q) model, p refers to the order of the Auto-Regressive components and q refers to the Moving-Average compoenest of the model. ARMA models are often used for forecasting. Given time-series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + Σ(θ_j e_t-j) + e_t+1 where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, θ is the moving-average vector, and e_t+1 is the noise term.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class supports regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the RECURSIVE method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors,
class supports regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the RECURSIVE method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors,
y_t = b dot x
where x = [1, y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lags}]
Value parameters
- fname
the feature/variable names
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (use Regression.hp for default)
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive)
- x
the input/predictor matrix built out of lags of y (and optionally from exogenous variables ex)
- yy
the output/response vector trimmed to match x.dim (@see ARX object)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ForecasterXclass Regressiontrait Fittrait FitMtrait Predictortrait Modelclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
object supports regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the DIRECT method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lags}].
object supports regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the DIRECT method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lags}].
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The ARX_Quad
class supports quadratic regression for Time Series data. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors,
The ARX_Quad
class supports quadratic regression for Time Series data. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors,
y_t = b dot x
where x = [ 1, y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lag}, y_{t-1}^2, ...].
Value parameters
- fname
the feature/variable names
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (use Regression.hp for default)
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive)
- x
the input/predictor matrix built out of lags of y
- yy
the output/response vector trimmed to match x.dim
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ForecasterXclass Regressiontrait Fittrait FitMtrait Predictortrait Modelclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The ARX_Quad_MV
object supports quadratic regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the DIRECT method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lags}]. Matrix x includes constant, linear and quadratic terms.
The ARX_Quad_MV
object supports quadratic regression for Time Series data. Multi-horizon forecasting supported via the DIRECT method. Given a response vector y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lags}]. Matrix x includes constant, linear and quadratic terms.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The Example_Covid
object provides a convenient way to load Covid-19 weekly data.
The Example_Covid
object provides a convenient way to load Covid-19 weekly data.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The Example_GasFurnace
object provides a convenient way to load gas_furnace data.
The Example_GasFurnace
object provides a convenient way to load gas_furnace data.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The Example_LakeLevels
provides a simple example time-series for testing forecasting models.
The Example_LakeLevels
provides a simple example time-series for testing forecasting models.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The Forecaster
trait provides a common framework for several forecasters. Note, the train method must be called first followed by test.
The Forecaster
trait provides a common framework for several forecasters. Note, the train method must be called first followed by test.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters for models extending this trait
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (index as time may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class ARclass AR1MAclass ARMAclass ARIMAclass SARIMAclass SARIMAXclass NullModelclass QuadSplineclass RandomWalkclass SimpleExpSmoothingclass SimpleMovingAverageclass TrendModelShow all
The Forecaster
companion object provides functions useful for forecasting
The Forecaster
companion object provides functions useful for forecasting
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The ForecasterX
trait provides a common framework for several forecasting models that use 1 ENDOGENOUS variable y and 0 or more EXOGENOUS variables xj. It provides methods for multi-horizon (1 to h) forecasting using the RECURSIVE technique. Forecasted values are produced only for the endogenous variable y. Lower case indicates actual values, while upper case is for forecasted values.
The ForecasterX
trait provides a common framework for several forecasting models that use 1 ENDOGENOUS variable y and 0 or more EXOGENOUS variables xj. It provides methods for multi-horizon (1 to h) forecasting using the RECURSIVE technique. Forecasted values are produced only for the endogenous variable y. Lower case indicates actual values, while upper case is for forecasted values.
Y_t+1 = f(y_t, y_t-1, ... y_t-p+1, x0_t, x0_t-1, ... x0_t-p+1, x1_t, ...) Y_t+2 = f(Y_t+1, y_t, ... y_t-p+2, x0_t, x0_t-1, ... x0_t-p+1, x1_t, ...) ... Y_t+h = f(Y_t+1, y_t, ... y_t-p+2, x0_t, x0_t-1, ... x0_t-p+1, x1_t, ...)
Value parameters
- lags
the lags (p) used for endogenous variable (e.g., 10 => use lags 1 to 10)
- See also
Forecaster - when there are no exogenous variables
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
The KalmanFilter
class is used to fit state-space models. x_t = F x_t-1 + G u_t + w_t (State Equation) z_t = H x_t + v_t (Observation/Measurement Equation)
The KalmanFilter
class is used to fit state-space models. x_t = F x_t-1 + G u_t + w_t (State Equation) z_t = H x_t + v_t (Observation/Measurement Equation)
Value parameters
- ff
the state transition matrix (F)
- gg
the optional control-input matrix (G)
- hh
the observation matrix (H)
the process noise covariance matrix (Q)
- rr
the observation noise covariance matrix (R)
- u
the optional control vector
- x0
the initial state vector
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The NullModel
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for NullModel models. NullModel models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior value of y and its noise: y_t+1 = mu_y + e_t+1 where mu_y is the mean of y and e_t+1 is the noise term.
The NullModel
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for NullModel models. NullModel models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior value of y and its noise: y_t+1 = mu_y + e_t+1 where mu_y is the mean of y and e_t+1 is the noise term.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (none => use null)
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The QuadSpline
class fits quadratic splines to time-series data that are equally spaced in time. A sliding window consisting of three data points is perfectly fit to a quadratic curve. y_t = a + bt + ct^2 Note, slope matching and smoothness issues are ignored.
The QuadSpline
class fits quadratic splines to time-series data that are equally spaced in time. A sliding window consisting of three data points is perfectly fit to a quadratic curve. y_t = a + bt + ct^2 Note, slope matching and smoothness issues are ignored.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (none => use null)
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- See also
- Any time point from t = 3 to the end of time series may be forecasted.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The QuadSpline
companion object provides factory methods for the QuadSpline
The QuadSpline
companion object provides factory methods for the QuadSpline
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The RandomWalk
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for RandomWalk models. RandomWalk models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior value of y and its noise: y_t+1 = y_t + e_t+1 where e_t+1 is the noise vector.
The RandomWalk
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for RandomWalk models. RandomWalk models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior value of y and its noise: y_t+1 = y_t + e_t+1 where e_t+1 is the noise vector.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (none => use null)
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The RandomWalk
companion object provides factory methods for the RandomWalk
The RandomWalk
companion object provides factory methods for the RandomWalk
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The RollingValidation
object provides rolling-validation, where a full dataset is divided into a training set followed by a testing set. Retraining is done as the algorithm rolls through the testing set making out-of-sample predictions/forecasts to keep the parameters from becoming stale. For example, with TR_RATIO = 0.5 and m = 1000 it works as follows: tr(ain) 0 to 499, te(st) 500 to 999 Re-training occurs according to the retraining cycle rc, e.g., rc = 10 implies that retraining would occurs after every 10 forecasts or 50 times for this example.
The RollingValidation
object provides rolling-validation, where a full dataset is divided into a training set followed by a testing set. Retraining is done as the algorithm rolls through the testing set making out-of-sample predictions/forecasts to keep the parameters from becoming stale. For example, with TR_RATIO = 0.5 and m = 1000 it works as follows: tr(ain) 0 to 499, te(st) 500 to 999 Re-training occurs according to the retraining cycle rc, e.g., rc = 10 implies that retraining would occurs after every 10 forecasts or 50 times for this example.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Companion object for class SARIMA
. Includes features related to differencing and automated order selection.
Companion object for class SARIMA
. Includes features related to differencing and automated order selection.
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive AR Integrated I Moving-Average MA models. In a SARIMA(p, d, q) model, p and q refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average components of the model; d refers to the order of differencing. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t+1 where δ is a constant, φ is the auto-regressive coefficient vector, θ is the moving-average coefficient vector, and e_t+1 is the noise vector.
If d > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying the above model. Seasonal differencing, auto-regressive and moving average factors can be incorporated into the model by applying seasonal differencing (possibly in addition to simple differencing) first, then add the seasonal auto-regressive and moving average terms, that rely on lagged values and errors, respectively, from one or more seasonal periods in the past, on the right hand side of the equation.
Value parameters
- dd
the order of seasonal differencing
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- period
the seasonal period (at least 2)
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the original input vector (time series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class ARIMAclass ARMAtrait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Value parameters
- dd
the order of seasonal differencing
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- period
the seasonal period (at least 2)
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- x
the exogenous time series data as an input matrix
- y
the original endogenous input vector (time series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class SARIMAclass ARIMAclass ARMAtrait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The SimpleExpSmoothing
class provide very basic time series analysis using Simple Exponential Smoothing models. The forecasted value is the weighted average the latest value y_t and the latest smoothed value s_t. The smoothing parameter α in [0, 1] causes the contributions of older values to decay exponentially.
The SimpleExpSmoothing
class provide very basic time series analysis using Simple Exponential Smoothing models. The forecasted value is the weighted average the latest value y_t and the latest smoothed value s_t. The smoothing parameter α in [0, 1] causes the contributions of older values to decay exponentially.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time vector, if relevant (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (original time series data)
- See also
Smoothing Equation in section 7.1. s_t+1 = α y_t + (1 - α) s_t smoothing equation yf_t+1 = s_t+1 forecast equation where vector s is the smoothed version of vector y.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The SimpleExpSmoothing
companion object provides factory methods for the SimpleExpSmoothing
The SimpleExpSmoothing
companion object provides factory methods for the SimpleExpSmoothing
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The SimpleMovingAverage
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities. For a SimpleMovingAverage
model with the time series data stored in vector y, the next value y_t = y(t) may be predicted based on the mean of prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = mean (y_t, ..., y_t-q') + e_t+1 where e_t+1 is the noise vector and q' = q-1 the number of prior values used to compute the mean.
The SimpleMovingAverage
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities. For a SimpleMovingAverage
model with the time series data stored in vector y, the next value y_t = y(t) may be predicted based on the mean of prior values of y and its noise: y_t+1 = mean (y_t, ..., y_t-q') + e_t+1 where e_t+1 is the noise vector and q' = q-1 the number of prior values used to compute the mean.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters
- tt
the time points, if needed
- y
the response vector (time series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The SimpleMovingAverage
companion object provides factory methods for the SimpleMovingAverage
The SimpleMovingAverage
companion object provides factory methods for the SimpleMovingAverage
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The companion object for KPSS
class, containing critical value coefficients needed in KPSS tests for Time Series Stationarity around a deterministic trend.
The companion object for KPSS
class, containing critical value coefficients needed in KPSS tests for Time Series Stationarity around a deterministic trend.
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
class provides capabilities of performing KPSS test to determine if a time series is stationary around a deterministic trend. This code is translated from the C++ code found in
class provides capabilities of performing KPSS test to determine if a time series is stationary around a deterministic trend. This code is translated from the C++ code found in
Value parameters
- lagsType_
type of lags, long or short
- lags_
the number of lags to use
- trend_
type of trend to test for
- yy
the original time series vector
- See also
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
The TrendModel
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for TrendModel models. TrendModel models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on time t and its noise: y_t+1 = b0 + b1 (t+1) + e_t+1 where b0 is the intercept, b1 is the slope and e_t+1 is the noise term.
The TrendModel
class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for TrendModel models. TrendModel models are often used for forecasting. Given time series data stored in vector y, its next value y_t+1 = y(t+1) may be predicted based on time t and its noise: y_t+1 = b0 + b1 (t+1) + e_t+1 where b0 is the intercept, b1 is the slope and e_t+1 is the noise term.
Value parameters
- hparam
the hyper-parameters (none => use null)
- tt
the time vector (time index may suffice)
- y
the response vector (time-series data)
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Correlogramtrait Forecastertrait Modelclass FitItrait Fittrait FitMclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The TrendModel
companion object provides factory methods for the TrendModel
The TrendModel
companion object provides factory methods for the TrendModel
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The UnitRoot
trait provides a common framework for various unit root testers for Time Series Stationarity. This code is translated from the C++ code found in
The UnitRoot
trait provides a common framework for various unit root testers for Time Series Stationarity. This code is translated from the C++ code found in
Value parameters
- lags
the number of lags to use
- lagsType
default lags value long or short time-series
- nobs
the number of observations (length of time-series)
- testName
the name of test, e.g., KPSS
- trend
type of trend to test for
- validTrends
vector of test valid trends types, e.g., constant, linear trend
- See also
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class Stationarity_KPSS
object supports regression for Multivariate Time Series data. Given a response matrix y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lag}].
object supports regression for Multivariate Time Series data. Given a response matrix y, a predictor matrix x is built that consists of lagged y vectors. Additional future response vectors are built for training. y_t = b dot x where x = [y_{t-1}, y_{t-2}, ... y_{t-lag}].
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Value members
Concrete methods
The ARX_QuadTest
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
The ARX_QuadTest
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest
The ARX_QuadTest2
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
The ARX_QuadTest2
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest2
The ARX_QuadTest3
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19. Does In-Sample Testing on Endogenous variable.
The ARX_QuadTest3
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19. Does In-Sample Testing on Endogenous variable.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest3
The ARX_QuadTest4
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does In-Sample Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47, 18, 9, 6 best R^2-bar Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47 best sMAPE
The ARX_QuadTest4
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does In-Sample Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47, 18, 9, 6 best R^2-bar Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47 best sMAPE
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest4
The ARX_QuadTest5
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample. Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47, 18, 9, 6 best R^2-bar Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47 best sMAPE
The ARX_QuadTest5
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample. Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47, 18, 9, 6 best R^2-bar Stepsise gives: 0, 19, 40, 37, 60, 17, 15, 53, 5, 20, 50, 49, 48, 47 best sMAPE
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest5
The ARX_QuadTest6
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model HOW?
The ARX_QuadTest6
main function tests the ARX_Quad
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model HOW?
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.ARX_QuadTest6
The aR1MATest
main function tests the AR1MA
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aR1MATest
main function tests the AR1MA
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aR1MATest
The aR1MATest2
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts) with no differencing
The aR1MATest2
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts) with no differencing
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aR1MATest2
The aR1MATest3
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts) taking one difference.
The aR1MATest3
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts) taking one difference.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aR1MATest3
The aR1MATest4
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
The aR1MATest4
main function tests the AR1MA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aR1MATest4
The aRIMATest
main function tests the ARIMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
The aRIMATest
main function tests the ARIMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRIMATest
The aRIMATest2
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Test simulated data.
The aRIMATest2
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Test simulated data.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRIMATest2
The aRIMATest3
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Traffic dataset.
The aRIMATest3
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Traffic dataset.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRIMATest3
The aRIMATest4
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Simulated data with a quadratic pattern.
The aRIMATest4
main function tests the ARIMA
class. Simulated data with a quadratic pattern.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRIMATest4
The aRMATest
main function tests the ARMA
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRMATest
main function tests the ARMA
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest
The aRMATest2
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRMATest2
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest2
The aRMATest3
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The aRMATest3
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest3
The aRMATest4
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
The aRMATest4
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest4
The aRMATest5
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. This test looks at the velocity series (first differences). Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRMATest5
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. This test looks at the velocity series (first differences). Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest5
The aRMATest6
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
The aRMATest6
main function tests the ARMA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest6
The aRMATest6
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting Weekly Covid-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
The aRMATest6
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting Weekly Covid-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRMATest7
The aRTest
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRTest
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest
The aRTest2
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRTest2
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest2
The aRTest3
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The aRTest3
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest3
The aRTest4
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
The aRTest4
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest4
The aRTest5
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting Weekly Covid-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
The aRTest5
main function tests the AR
class on real data: Forecasting Weekly Covid-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts). Try multiple values for p.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest5
The aRTest6
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The aRTest6
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest6
The aRXTest
main function tests the ARX
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
The aRXTest
main function tests the ARX
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest
The aRXTest2
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
The aRXTest2
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest2
The aRXTest3
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Daily Data. Does In-Sample Testing on Endogenous variable.
The aRXTest3
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Daily Data. Does In-Sample Testing on Endogenous variable.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest3
The aRXTest4
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does In-Sample Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables.
The aRXTest4
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does In-Sample Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest4
The aRXTest5
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRXTest5
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest5
The aRXTest6
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRXTest6
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest6
The aRXTest7
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Preliminary investigation of Symbolic Regression.
The aRXTest7
main function tests the ARX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Preliminary investigation of Symbolic Regression.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRXTest7
The aRX_MVTest
main function tests the ARX_MV
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
The aRX_MVTest
main function tests the ARX_MV
class. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest
The aRX_MVTest2
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
The aRX_MVTest2
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest2
The aRX_MVTest3
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing using endogenous variable.
The aRX_MVTest3
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing using endogenous variable.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest3
The aRX_MVTest4
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data.
The aRX_MVTest4
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest4
The aRX_MVTest5
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRX_MVTest5
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest5
The aRX_MVTest6
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRX_MVTest6
main function tests the ARX_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_MVTest6
The aRX_Quad_MVTest
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
object. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
object. This test is used to CHECK that the buildMatrix4TS function is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest
The aRX_Quad_MVTest2
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Uses quadratic regression.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest2
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Uses quadratic regression.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest2
The aRX_Quad_MVTest3
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses quadratic regression, In-Sample Testing using endogenous variable.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest3
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses quadratic regression, In-Sample Testing using endogenous variable.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest3
The aRX_Quad_MVTest4
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses quadratic regression, In-Sample Testing using endogenous and exogeneous variables.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest4
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses quadratic regression, In-Sample Testing using endogenous and exogeneous variables.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest4
The aRX_Quad_MVTest5
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses Quadratic Regression. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest5
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses Quadratic Regression. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest5
The aRX_Quad_MVTest6
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses Quadratic Regression. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The aRX_Quad_MVTest6
main function tests the ARX_Quad_MV
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Uses Quadratic Regression. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model for TnT from using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRX_Quad_MVTest6
Given a response vector y, build and return (1) an input/predictor MATRIX xx and (2) an output/multi-horizon output/response MATRIX yy. Used by Multi-Variate (MV) forecast models such as ARX_MV
. that use DIRECT multi-horizon forecasting. The first lag responses can't be predicted due to missing past values. The last h-1 responses can't be predicted due to missing future values. Therefore the number of rows in xx and yy is reduced to y.dim + 1 - lags - h.
Given a response vector y, build and return (1) an input/predictor MATRIX xx and (2) an output/multi-horizon output/response MATRIX yy. Used by Multi-Variate (MV) forecast models such as ARX_MV
. that use DIRECT multi-horizon forecasting. The first lag responses can't be predicted due to missing past values. The last h-1 responses can't be predicted due to missing future values. Therefore the number of rows in xx and yy is reduced to y.dim + 1 - lags - h.
FIX - try to extend to "val xx = new MatrixD (y.dim - h, lags)"
Value parameters
- h
the forecasting horizon (1, 2, ... h)
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive)
- y
the given output/response vector
Given a response vector y, build and return (1) an input/predictor MATRIX xx and (2) an output/single-horizon output/response VECTOR yy. Used by Single-Variate forecast models such as ARX
. that use RECURSIVE multi-horizon forecasting. The first response can't be predicted due to missing past values. Therefore the number of rows in xx and yy is reduced to y.dim - 1 (day 0 cut out).
Given a response vector y, build and return (1) an input/predictor MATRIX xx and (2) an output/single-horizon output/response VECTOR yy. Used by Single-Variate forecast models such as ARX
. that use RECURSIVE multi-horizon forecasting. The first response can't be predicted due to missing past values. Therefore the number of rows in xx and yy is reduced to y.dim - 1 (day 0 cut out).
Value parameters
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive)
- y
the given output/response vector
Given an exogenous variable vector ex corresponding to an endogenous response vector y, build and return an input/predictor MATRIX xx. The first lag responses can't be predicted due to missing past values. Therefore the number of rows in xx is reduced to ex.dim - elag1.
Given an exogenous variable vector ex corresponding to an endogenous response vector y, build and return an input/predictor MATRIX xx. The first lag responses can't be predicted due to missing past values. Therefore the number of rows in xx is reduced to ex.dim - elag1.
Value parameters
- elag1
the minimum lag included (inclusive) for the exogenous variable
- elag2
the maximum lag included (inclusive) for the exogenous variable
- ex
the exogenous variable vector
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive) for the endogenous variable
Build a 3D tensor that collects and (lag) expands the endogenous variable and all exogenous variables into the form 'time x lags x variables' --> INPUT TENSOR. Lags for endogenous variable: 1, 2, ... lags Lags for exogenous variables: el, el+1, ... el-1+lags For models like SARIMAX with weekly data, exo variables are not forecasted, so it is not possible to use exogenous lag 1 to make week-two forecasts. Also build a matrix of target values for each forecasting horizon --> OUTPUT MATRIX. The number of rows m = y.dim - el, as forecasts cannot be made unless there is at least one endogenous and one exogenous lag (past value) available to the model. Model: yy_hat = f(xx) with loss function, e.g., || yy - yy_hat ||_F NOTE: for models not taking tensor input, flatten into a matrix.
Build a 3D tensor that collects and (lag) expands the endogenous variable and all exogenous variables into the form 'time x lags x variables' --> INPUT TENSOR. Lags for endogenous variable: 1, 2, ... lags Lags for exogenous variables: el, el+1, ... el-1+lags For models like SARIMAX with weekly data, exo variables are not forecasted, so it is not possible to use exogenous lag 1 to make week-two forecasts. Also build a matrix of target values for each forecasting horizon --> OUTPUT MATRIX. The number of rows m = y.dim - el, as forecasts cannot be made unless there is at least one endogenous and one exogenous lag (past value) available to the model. Model: yy_hat = f(xx) with loss function, e.g., || yy - yy_hat ||_F NOTE: for models not taking tensor input, flatten into a matrix.
Value parameters
- el
the first exogenous lag (may be larger than 1)
- ex
the exogenous variable matrix over time x exo_vars (e.g., icu_patients, hosp_patient)
- h
the forecasting horizon (1, 2, ... h)
- lags
the maximum lag included (inclusive)
- y
the endogenous variable vector over time (e.g., new_deaths)
Return the first difference of the time-series y, giving the velocity v_t = y_t+1 - y_t.
Return the first difference of the time-series y, giving the velocity v_t = y_t+1 - y_t.
Value parameters
- y
the original time-series to be differenced
The example_CovidTest
main function test the Example_Covid
The example_CovidTest
main function test the Example_Covid
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.example_CovidTest
The example_CovidTest2
main function test the Example_Covid
object. This performs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to find relationships between contemporaneous variables.
The example_CovidTest2
main function test the Example_Covid
object. This performs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to find relationships between contemporaneous variables.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.example_CovidTest2
The example_GasFurnaceTest
main function test the Example_GasFurnace
The example_GasFurnaceTest
main function test the Example_GasFurnace
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.example_GasFurnaceTest
The example_GasFurnaceTest2
main function test the Example_GasFurnace
object. This performs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to find relationships between contemporaneous variables.
The example_GasFurnaceTest2
main function test the Example_GasFurnace
object. This performs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to find relationships between contemporaneous variables.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.example_GasFurnaceTest2
The kalmanFilterTest
main function is used to test the KalmanFilter
The kalmanFilterTest
main function is used to test the KalmanFilter
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.kalmanFilterTest
The makeTSeries
top level function generates time-series data.
The makeTSeries
top level function generates time-series data.
Value parameters
- m
the length of the time series
- noise
the random variate generator used for the noise part
- signal
the function of time used to make the deterministic part
The makeTSeries
top level function recursively generates time-series data by simulating and AR process. y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + e_t+1 Note: all defaults generates white noise with variance 1
The makeTSeries
top level function recursively generates time-series data by simulating and AR process. y_t+1 = δ + Σ(φ_j y_t-j) + e_t+1 Note: all defaults generates white noise with variance 1
Value parameters
- c
the initial value for the time series
- m
the length of the time series
- noise
the random variate generator used for the noise part
- φ
the auto-regressive coefficients
The nullModelTest
main function tests the NullModel
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The nullModelTest
main function tests the NullModel
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.nullModelTest
The nullModelTest2
main function tests the NullModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The nullModelTest2
main function tests the NullModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.nullModelTest2
The nullModelTest3
main function tests the NullModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The nullModelTest3
main function tests the NullModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.nullModelTest3
The quadSplineTest
main function tests the QuadSpline
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The quadSplineTest
main function tests the QuadSpline
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.quadSplineTest
The quadSplineTest2
main function is used to test the QuadSpline
class. Forecasting lake levels.
The quadSplineTest2
main function is used to test the QuadSpline
class. Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.quadSplineTest2
The quadSplineTest3
main function tests the QuadSpline
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The quadSplineTest3
main function tests the QuadSpline
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.quadSplineTest3
The quadSplineTest4
main function is used to test the QuadSpline
class. Forecasting Fibonacci numbers.
The quadSplineTest4
main function is used to test the QuadSpline
class. Forecasting Fibonacci numbers.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.quadSplineTest4
The randomWalkTest
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The randomWalkTest
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.aRTest
The randomWalkTest2
main function tests the RandomWalk2
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. It compares with the other baselines: NullModel
and TrendModel
. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The randomWalkTest2
main function tests the RandomWalk2
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. It compares with the other baselines: NullModel
and TrendModel
. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.randomWalkTest2
The randomWalkTest3
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The randomWalkTest3
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.randomWalkTest3
The randomWalkTest4
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The randomWalkTest4
main function tests the RandomWalk
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.randomWalkTest4
Compute a reverse dot product of the parameter vector b and the most recent actual values in the time series y_, going backwards from y_t. Use max (0, ..) to avoid using negative indices into the y_ vector.
Compute a reverse dot product of the parameter vector b and the most recent actual values in the time series y_, going backwards from y_t. Use max (0, ..) to avoid using negative indices into the y_ vector.
Value parameters
- b
the parameter/coefficient vector (e.g., φ for AR)
- t
the time point FROM WHICH to make prediction
- y_
the actual values to use in making predictions
Compute a reverse dot product of the parameter vector b and a diagonal of the the yf matrix starting at element (r, c) and moving up and back. Use max (0, ..) to avoid using negative indices into the yf matrix.
Compute a reverse dot product of the parameter vector b and a diagonal of the the yf matrix starting at element (r, c) and moving up and back. Use max (0, ..) to avoid using negative indices into the yf matrix.
Value parameters
- b
the parameter/coefficient vector (e.g., φ for AR)
- c
the starting column in the forecasting matrix (horizon)
- r
the starting row in the forecasting matrix (time)
- yf
the forecasting matrix (time x horizons)
The rollingValidationTest
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
The rollingValidationTest
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.rollingValidationTest
The rollingValidationTest2
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
The rollingValidationTest2
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.rollingValidationTest2
The rollingValidationTest3
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
object. Compares baseline models on in-sample and out-of-sample assessment.
The rollingValidationTest3
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
object. Compares baseline models on in-sample and out-of-sample assessment.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.rollingValidationTest3
The rollingValidationTest4
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
object. Random Walk is used to make structure of the yf matrix clear.
The rollingValidationTest4
main function is used to test the rollValidate method in the RollingValidation
object. Random Walk is used to make structure of the yf matrix clear.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.rollingValidationTest4
The sARIMATest
main function is used to test the SARIMA
The sARIMATest
main function is used to test the SARIMA
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest
The sARIMATest2
main function is used to test the SARIMA
The sARIMATest2
main function is used to test the SARIMA
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest2
The sARIMATest3
main function is used to test the SARIMA
class. Forecasting lake levels.
The sARIMATest3
main function is used to test the SARIMA
class. Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest3
The sARIMATest4
main function is used to test the SARIMA
The sARIMATest4
main function is used to test the SARIMA
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest4
The sARIMATest5
main function tests the SARIMA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
The sARIMATest5
main function tests the SARIMA
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest5
The sARIMATest6
main function is used to test the SARIMA
The sARIMATest6
main function is used to test the SARIMA
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMATest6
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest
The sARIMAXTest2
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
The sARIMAXTest2
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest2
The sARIMAXTest3
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
class. Forecasting lake levels.
The sARIMAXTest3
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
class. Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest3
The sARIMAXTest4
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
The sARIMAXTest4
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest4
The sARIMAXTest5
main function tests the SARIMAX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
The sARIMAXTest5
main function tests the SARIMAX
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest5
The sARIMAXTest6
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
The sARIMAXTest6
main function is used to test the SARIMAX
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.sARIMAXTest6
The simpleExpSmoothingTest
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The simpleExpSmoothingTest
main function tests the AR
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleExpSmoothingTest
The simpleExpSmoothingTest2
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Forecasting lake levels. Compare AR(1) and SimpleExpSmoothing models for the time series data.
The simpleExpSmoothingTest2
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Forecasting lake levels. Compare AR(1) and SimpleExpSmoothing models for the time series data.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleExpSmoothingTest2
The simpleExpSmoothingTest3
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Test customized smoothing (call smooth) versus optimized smoothing (call train).
The simpleExpSmoothingTest3
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Test customized smoothing (call smooth) versus optimized smoothing (call train).
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleExpSmoothingTest3
The simpleExpSmoothingTest4
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Test rolling validation.
The simpleExpSmoothingTest4
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Test rolling validation.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleExpSmoothingTest4
The simpleExpSmoothingTest5
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Forecasting lake levels for several values of the smoothing parameter α.
The simpleExpSmoothingTest5
main function is used to test the SimpleExpSmoothing
class. Forecasting lake levels for several values of the smoothing parameter α.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleExpSmoothingTest5
The simpleMovingAverageTest
main function tests the SimpleMovingAverage
class on simulated data.
The simpleMovingAverageTest
main function tests the SimpleMovingAverage
class on simulated data.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleMovingAverageTest
The simpleMovingAverageTest2
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
The simpleMovingAverageTest2
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleMovingAverageTest2
The simpleMovingAverageTest3
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
class. Forecasting lake levels.
The simpleMovingAverageTest3
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
class. Forecasting lake levels.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleMovingAverageTest3
The simpleMovingAverageTest4
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
class. Decompose the lake levels dataset.
The simpleMovingAverageTest4
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
class. Decompose the lake levels dataset.
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleMovingAverageTest4
The simpleMovingAverageTest5
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
The simpleMovingAverageTest5
main function is used to test the SimpleMovingAverage
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.simpleMovingAverageTest5
Compute the sum of squares errors assuming the first 'skip' error is zero.
Compute the sum of squares errors assuming the first 'skip' error is zero.
Value parameters
- skip
skip this many elements at the beginning (defaults to 1)
- y
the actual response vector
- yp
the predicted response vector (one-step ahead)
The stationarity_KPSSTest
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether white noise time-series has a unit root.
The stationarity_KPSSTest
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether white noise time-series has a unit root.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationarity_KPSSTest
The stationarity_KPSSTest2
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether the Lake Levels time-series has a unit root.
The stationarity_KPSSTest2
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether the Lake Levels time-series has a unit root.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationarity_KPSSTest2
The stationarity_KPSSTest3
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether the differenced Lake Levels time-series has a unit root.
The stationarity_KPSSTest3
main function is used to test the Stationarity_KPSS
class. Test whether the differenced Lake Levels time-series has a unit root.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationarity_KPSSTest3
The stationaryTest
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated time-series.
The stationaryTest
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated time-series.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationaryTest
The stationaryTest2
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated stationary time-series. An AR(1) is a stationary process when |φ_1| < 1, a unit root process when |φ_1| = 1, and explosive otherwise.
The stationaryTest2
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated stationary time-series. An AR(1) is a stationary process when |φ_1| < 1, a unit root process when |φ_1| = 1, and explosive otherwise.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationaryTest2
The stationaryTest3
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated stationary time-series. An AR(2) is a stationary process when |φ_2| < 1 and |φ_1| < 1 - φ_2, a unit root process when |φ_2| = 1 or |φ_1| = 1 - φ_2, and explosive otherwise.
The stationaryTest3
main function tests the Stationary
class on a simulated stationary time-series. An AR(2) is a stationary process when |φ_2| < 1 and |φ_1| < 1 - φ_2, a unit root process when |φ_2| = 1 or |φ_1| = 1 - φ_2, and explosive otherwise.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.stationaryTest3
Test the actual response vector vs. forecasted matrix, returning the QoF for all forecasting horizons 1 to h. FIX - not agreeing with ForecasterUtil.testHorizons
Test the actual response vector vs. forecasted matrix, returning the QoF for all forecasting horizons 1 to h. FIX - not agreeing with ForecasterUtil.testHorizons
Value parameters
- mod
the fittable model (one that extends
) - p
the number of variables/lags used in the model
- y
the original actual response vector
- yf
the forecasted response matrix
The trendModelTest
main function tests the TrendModel
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The trendModelTest
main function tests the TrendModel
class on simulated data. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.trendModelTest
The trendModelTest2
main function tests the TrendModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
The trendModelTest2
main function tests the TrendModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test predictions (one step ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.trendModelTest2
The trendModelTest3
main function tests the TrendModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
The trendModelTest3
main function tests the TrendModel
class on real data: Forecasting lake levels. Test forecasts (1 to h steps ahead forecasts).
- See also
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.trendModelTest3
Return the undifferenced time-series from the velocity series.
Return the undifferenced time-series from the velocity series.
Value parameters
- v
the differenced time-series (velocity)
- y0
the first value in the original time-series
The varTest
main function tests the VAR
class. This test is used to CHECK that the makeExoCols method (@see apply
) is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
The varTest
main function tests the VAR
class. This test is used to CHECK that the makeExoCols method (@see apply
) is working correctly. May get NaN for some maximum lags (p) due to multi-collinearity.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest
The varTest2
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting Gas Furnace Data. Performs In-Sample Testing.
The varTest2
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting Gas Furnace Data. Performs In-Sample Testing.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest2
The varTest3
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing. Goal: Find the variable that works best with "new_deaths"
The varTest3
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing. Goal: Find the variable that works best with "new_deaths"
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest3
The varTest4
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing. Goal: Find the four variables that works best with "new_deaths"
The varTest4
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Performs In-Sample Testing. Goal: Find the four variables that works best with "new_deaths"
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest4
The varTest5
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The varTest5
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does TnT Testing on endogenous and exogenous variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest5
The varTest6
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
The varTest6
main function tests the VAR
class on real data: Forecasting COVID-19 Weekly Data. Does Rolling Validation on variables. Determine the terms to include in the model using Stepwise on In-Sample.
runMain scalation.modeling.forecasting.varTest6