
See theFitM companion object
trait FitM

The FitM class provides methods to determine basic Quality of Fit 'QoF' metrics/measures suitable for all Models. Note, to work with multiple types of models where degrees of freedom (df) may be hard to calculate, sde uses m-1 rather than df for sample estimates, while rmse uses a population formula (i.e., divide by m). Therefore, in ScalaTion sde will be slightly larger than rmse.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def fit: VectorD

Return the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures corresponding to the labels given. Note, if sse > sst, the model introduces errors and the rSq may be negative, otherwise, R^2 (rSq) ranges from 0 (weak) to 1 (strong). Override to add more quality of fit measures.

Return the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures corresponding to the labels given. Note, if sse > sst, the model introduces errors and the rSq may be negative, otherwise, R^2 (rSq) ranges from 0 (weak) to 1 (strong). Override to add more quality of fit measures.


def help: String

Return the help string that describes the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures provided by the Fit class. Override to correspond to 'fitLabel'.

Return the help string that describes the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures provided by the Fit class. Override to correspond to 'fitLabel'.


def summary(x_: MatrixD, fname: Array[String], b: VectorD, vifs: VectorD): String

Produce a QoF summary for a model with diagnostics for each predictor 'x_j' and the overall Quality of Fit (QoF).

Produce a QoF summary for a model with diagnostics for each predictor 'x_j' and the overall Quality of Fit (QoF).

Value parameters


the parameters/coefficients for the model


the array of feature/variable names


the Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs)


the testing/full data/input matrix


Concrete methods

def diagnose(y: VectorD, yp: VectorD, w: VectorD): VectorD

Diagnose the health of the model by computing the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures, from the error/residual vector and the predicted & actual responses. For some models the instances may be weighted.

Diagnose the health of the model by computing the Quality of Fit (QoF) measures, from the error/residual vector and the predicted & actual responses. For some models the instances may be weighted.

Value parameters


the weights on the instances (defaults to null)


the actual response/output vector to use (test/full)


the predicted response/output vector (test/full)


See also

Regression_WLS Must be overridden.

def rSq0_: Double
def rSq_: Double

Return the coefficient of determination (R^2). Must call diagnose first.

Return the coefficient of determination (R^2). Must call diagnose first.


def sse_: Double

Return the sum of the squares for error (sse). Must call diagnose first.

Return the sum of the squares for error (sse). Must call diagnose first.
