The RNGTester object conducts tests of Random Number Generators: (1) meansTest: Means Test (including a speed test). (2) distributionTest: Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test. (3) distributionTest_KS: K-S Goodness of Fit Test. (4) correlationTest: Correlation Test.
Perform an Auto-correlation Test. Generate a times and examine its correlogram showing its auto-correlation and partial auto-correlation as functions of lag.
Perform an Auto-correlation Test. Generate a times and examine its correlogram showing its auto-correlation and partial auto-correlation as functions of lag.
Perform a Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test. Compare the random number's histogram (generated by repeatedly calling 'gen') to the probability function pf (pdf).
Perform a Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test. Compare the random number's histogram (generated by repeatedly calling 'gen') to the probability function pf (pdf).