The Table
companion object provides factory methods for creating tables. Supported domains/data-types are 'D'ouble, 'I'nt, 'L'ong, 'S'tring, and 'T'imeNum. Note 'X' is for Long String (a formatting issue).
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Create a table given convenient string specifications.
Create a table given convenient string specifications.
Value parameters
- domain_
the domains/data-types for attributes ('D', 'I', 'L', 'S', 'X', 'T')
- key
the attributes forming the primary key
- name
the name of the table
- schema
the attributes for the table
Create a new empty table with the same schema as an existing table.
Create a new empty table with the same schema as an existing table.
Value parameters
- name
the name of the new table
- tab
the existing table
Return the average of all the elements for a numeric column or 0 otherwise.
Return the average of all the elements for a numeric column or 0 otherwise.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Return the total number of elements in a column.
Return the total number of elements in a column.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Return the number of distinct elements in a column.
Return the number of distinct elements in a column.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Return whether the given table file exists in STORE_DIR.
Return whether the given table file exists in STORE_DIR.
Value parameters
- name
the name of table.
Create a table from a matrix of doubles.
Create a table from a matrix of doubles.
Value parameters
- key
the attributes forming the primary key
- name
the name of the table
- schema
the attribute/column names
- x
the matrix containing the data
- See also
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE.
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE.
Value parameters
- domain_
the domains/data-types (as one string) for attributes ('D', 'I', 'L', 'S', 'X', 'T')
- fileName
the file name (or file-path) of the data file
- key
the attributes forming the primary key
- name
the name of the table
- pos_
the sequence of column positions in the input file to be used (null => select all)
- sep
the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +")
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE.
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE.
Value parameters
- domain
the domains/data-types for attributes ('D', 'I', 'L', 'S', 'X', 'T')
- fileName
the file name (or file-path) of the data file
- key
the attributes forming the primary key
- name
the name of the table
- pos_
the sequence of column positions in the input file to be used (null => select all)
- sep
the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +")
- See also
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE. Use a short-cut (not reliable) to determines the column domains, by applying the 'tuple2type' method to the SECOND LINE. Note: safer to pull a row without missing or zero values from the middle of the dataset
Read the table with the given name into memory loading its columns with data from the CSV file named fileName. The attribute names are read from the FIRST LINE. Use a short-cut (not reliable) to determines the column domains, by applying the 'tuple2type' method to the SECOND LINE. Note: safer to pull a row without missing or zero values from the middle of the dataset
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name (or file-path) of the data file
- key
the attributes forming the primary key
- mumCol
the number of columns
- name
the name of the table
- See also
LOAD/Read the table with the given name into memory using serialization.
LOAD/Read the table with the given name into memory using serialization.
Value parameters
- name
the name of the table to load
- See also
save in
LOAD/Read the table with the given name into memory from a JSON file.
LOAD/Read the table with the given name into memory from a JSON file.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name of the JSON file
- name
the name of the table to load
Make a tuple from an array of token strings, converting each each token according the corresponding domain specification. Use only the tokens in the array at the pos positions.
Make a tuple from an array of token strings, converting each each token according the corresponding domain specification. Use only the tokens in the array at the pos positions.
Value parameters
- domain
the domains/data-types for attributes ('D', 'I', 'L', 'S', 'X', 'T')
- pos
the positions in the token array to be used, e.g., Array (0, 2)
- token
the array of token strings, e.g., Array ("5.0", "12", "Smith")
Return the maximum value of all the elements in a column.
Return the maximum value of all the elements in a column.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Return the minimum value of all the elements in a column.
Return the minimum value of all the elements in a column.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Set the full-path flag to the value of parameter fullPath.
Set the full-path flag to the value of parameter fullPath.
Value parameters
- fullPath
flag indicating whether full or relative paths should be used
Set the limit on the number of lines to read to lim.
Set the limit on the number of lines to read to lim.
Value parameters
- lim
the limit on the number of lines to read (<= 0 => unlimited)
Return basic statistics on the given column corresponding to SQL's aggregate functions: count, countd, min, max, sum, avg.
Return basic statistics on the given column corresponding to SQL's aggregate functions: count, countd, min, max, sum, avg.
Value parameters
- cname
the given column name
- colj
the given column
Return the sum of all the elements for a numeric column or 0 otherwise.
Return the sum of all the elements for a numeric column or 0 otherwise.
Value parameters
- colj
the given column
Given an array of strings (e.g., read from a file) with unknown domains, return the data-types (domains) by the lexical form of the strings.
Given an array of strings (e.g., read from a file) with unknown domains, return the data-types (domains) by the lexical form of the strings.
Value parameters
- tup
the type un-differentiated tuple as an array of strings
- See also
(in ValueType.scala) Caveat: may not be reliable since a column of doubles may start: 5, 7, 9.2, ...