The NewtonRaphson class is used to find roots (zeros) for a one-dimensional (scalar) function 'f'. The solve method finds zeros for function 'f', while the optimize method finds local optima using the same logic, but applied to first and second derivatives.
Optimize the function by finding a local optima close to the starting point/guess 'x0'. This version numerically approximates the first and second derivatives.
Optimize the function by finding a local optima close to the starting point/guess 'x0'. This version numerically approximates the first and second derivatives.
Solve the Non-Linear Programming (NLP) problem by starting at x0 and iteratively moving down in the search space to a minimal point. Return the optimal point/vector x and its objective function value.
Solve the Non-Linear Programming (NLP) problem by starting at x0 and iteratively moving down in the search space to a minimal point. Return the optimal point/vector x and its objective function value.