Value parameters
- col
the Scala Vector of columns making up the columnar relation
- domain
an optional string indicating domains for columns, e.g., Array ('S', 'D')
- fKeys
an optional sequence of foreign keys - VEC (column name, ref table name, ref column position)
- key
the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key)
- name
the name of the relation
- schema
the names of columns
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Return the relation whose rows are equal to value in the column with the given name.
Return the relation whose rows are equal to value in the column with the given name.
Value parameters
- cv
the (column-name, value) pair, e.g., ("time", 5.00)
Add a tuple to this relation as a new row using col2 as a temp col to improve performance. After a batch of adds, call materialize.
Add a tuple to this relation as a new row using col2 as a temp col to improve performance. After a batch of adds, call materialize.
Value parameters
- tuple
an aggregation of columns values (new row)
ADD (insert) tuple t into this table checking to make sure the domains are correct. Also, checks referential integrity for any foreign keys in the tuple. Return true iff the tuple passes the type check and reference check.
ADD (insert) tuple t into this table checking to make sure the domains are correct. Also, checks referential integrity for any foreign keys in the tuple. Return true iff the tuple passes the type check and reference check.
Value parameters
- t
the tuple to be inserted
Add LINKAGE for this tabale to refTab by adding a FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT x to this table specifying the foreign key attribute fkey and the table it references refTab. Caveat: a foreign key may not be composite.
Add LINKAGE for this tabale to refTab by adding a FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT x to this table specifying the foreign key attribute fkey and the table it references refTab. Caveat: a foreign key may not be composite.
Value parameters
- fkey
the foreign key attribute
- refTab
the table being referenced (to its primary key)
Add a tuple to this relation as a new row, materialize and return updated table. May call for last tuple in a batch of tuples to add
Add a tuple to this relation as a new row, materialize and return updated table. May call for last tuple in a batch of tuples to add
Value parameters
- tuple
an aggregation of columns values (new row)
Assuming this table has been grouped by attribute g_atr, create a table where the first column is g_atr and the rest are AGGREGATE FUNCTIONs applied to their corresponding attributes.
Assuming this table has been grouped by attribute g_atr, create a table where the first column is g_atr and the rest are AGGREGATE FUNCTIONs applied to their corresponding attributes.
Value parameters
- f_as
the aggregate function and the attribute to apply it to (as varargs)
- g_atr
the attribute the table has been grouped on
Return the table restricted to the given range of rows.
Return the table restricted to the given range of rows.
Value parameters
- rng
the given range of rows
Return the table restricted to the given collection of rows.
Return the table restricted to the given collection of rows.
Value parameters
- pos
the given collection of rows
Assign the value newVal to column/vector c at index position i.
Assign the value newVal to column/vector c at index position i.
Value parameters
- c
the name of the column/vector to be assigned
- i
the index position to be assigned
- newVal
the value used for assignment
Return the mean of the values in column cName.
Return the mean of the values in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
Determine whether all of the columns in the relation are empty.
Determine whether all of the columns in the relation are empty.
Return the column in the relation with column name cName.
Return the column in the relation with column name cName.
Value parameters
- cName
column name used to retrieve the column vector
Return all of the columns in the relation.
Return all of the columns in the relation.
Determine whether this relation contains a row matching the given tuple.
Determine whether this relation contains a row matching the given tuple.
Value parameters
- tuple
an aggregation of columns values (potential row)
Return whether this table contains tuple u.
Return whether this table contains tuple u.
Value parameters
- u
the tuple to look for
Return the number of values in column cName.
Return the number of values in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
The create_index method helps, e.g., the popTable, methods to generate an index for the table.
The create_index method helps, e.g., the popTable, methods to generate an index for the table.
Value parameters
- reset
if reset is true, use old index to build new index; otherwise, create new index
Delete the rows from this relation that satisfy the predicate.
Delete the rows from this relation that satisfy the predicate.
Value parameters
- p
the predicate
DIVIDE this table by table r2. Requires a tuple in the quotient part of this table to be paired with all tuples in table r2.
DIVIDE this table by table r2. Requires a tuple in the quotient part of this table to be paired with all tuples in table r2.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
DROP the primary INDEX that maps the primary key to the tuple containing it. FIX - clear other indices
DROP the primary INDEX that maps the primary key to the tuple containing it. FIX - clear other indices
Determine whether any rows/tuples exist in this relation.
Determine whether any rows/tuples exist in this relation.
Return the i-th primary key.
Return the i-th primary key.
Value parameters
- i
the index in the tuples/row index
Group this relation by the specified column name, returning this relation. Each value in column cName will be mapped to a vector of row numbers containing the value, e.g., * { (a, A), (b, C), (a, T) } makes map a -> (0, 2), b -> (1).
Group this relation by the specified column name, returning this relation. Each value in column cName will be mapped to a vector of row numbers containing the value, e.g., * { (a, A), (b, C), (a, T) } makes map a -> (0, 2), b -> (1).
Value parameters
- cName
the group column name
Intersect this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. Slower and only to be used if there is no index.
Intersect this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. Slower and only to be used if there is no index.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Intersect this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. Use index to finish intersect operation.
Intersect this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. Use index to finish intersect operation.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "equi-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name.
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "equi-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name.
Value parameters
- cName1
the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key)
- cName2
the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key)
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Compute the EQUI-JOIN via the INDEX of this table and the referenced table keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on the primary key and foreign key attributes. Caveat: Requires the foreign key table to be first [ fkey_table join ((fkey, pkey_table) ]. Usage: deposit join (("cname", customer))
Compute the EQUI-JOIN via the INDEX of this table and the referenced table keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on the primary key and foreign key attributes. Caveat: Requires the foreign key table to be first [ fkey_table join ((fkey, pkey_table) ]. Usage: deposit join (("cname", customer))
Value parameters
- ref
the foreign key reference (foreign key attribute, referenced table)
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "natural-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName values to be equal.
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "natural-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName values to be equal.
Value parameters
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
The theta join, handle the predicates in where are connect by "and" (where a....and b....).
The theta join, handle the predicates in where are connect by "and" (where a....and b....).
Value parameters
- p
the rest of theta join predicates (r1 cName, r2 cName, predicates to compare these two column)
- p0
the first theta join predicate (r1 cName, r2 cName, predicate to compare these two column)
- r2
the second relation
JOIN this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that satisfy the predicate. Caveat: Assumes both keys are needed for the new key (depending on the predicate both may not be required).
JOIN this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that satisfy the predicate. Caveat: Assumes both keys are needed for the new key (depending on the predicate both may not be required).
Value parameters
- predicate
the join predicate to be satisfied
- r2
the second table
Compute the THETA-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that satisfy the given simple (3 token) condition.
Compute the THETA-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that satisfy the given simple (3 token) condition.
Value parameters
- condition
the simple condition "a1 op a2"
- r2
the second table
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "equi-join", use index to join
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "equi-join", use index to join
Value parameters
- cName1
the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key)
- cName2
the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key)
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "left-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used where needed.
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "left-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used where needed.
Value parameters
- cName1
the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key)
- cName2
the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key)
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Compute the LEFT-EQUI-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the left table padding the missing attributes with null.
Compute the LEFT-EQUI-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the left table padding the missing attributes with null.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
- x
the subschema/attributes for the left/first/this table
- y
the subschema/attributes for the right/second table
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "left join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2 FIX: It requires relations this and r2 to be sorted on column cp1 and cp2 resp., as it uses Sort-Merge join
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "left join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2 FIX: It requires relations this and r2 to be sorted on column cp1 and cp2 resp., as it uses Sort-Merge join
Value parameters
- cp1
the position of the join column of this relation
- cp2
the position of the join column of r2 relation
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "approximate left-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to apprximately equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used where needed.
Join this relation and r2 by performing an "approximate left-join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cName1 values to apprximately equal cName2 values. Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used where needed.
Value parameters
- cName1
the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key)
- cName2
the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key)
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
- thres
the approximate equality threshold
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "left join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to approximately equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2 FIX: It requires relations this and r2 to be sorted on column cp1 and cp2 resp., as it uses Sort-Merge join
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "left join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to approximately equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2 FIX: It requires relations this and r2 to be sorted on column cp1 and cp2 resp., as it uses Sort-Merge join
Value parameters
- cp1
the position of the join column of this relation
- cp2
the position of the join column of r2 relation
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Materialize the relation by copying the temporary col2 into col. It needs to be called by the end of the relation construction.
Materialize the relation by copying the temporary col2 into col. It needs to be called by the end of the relation construction.
Return the maximum value in column cName.
Return the maximum value in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
Return the minimum value in column cName.
Return the minimum value in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
Take the difference of this relation and r2 (this - r2). Check that the two relations are compatible.
Take the difference of this relation and r2 (this - r2). Check that the two relations are compatible.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Take the difference of this relation and r2 (this - r2). Check that the two relations are compatible. Indexed based minus.
Take the difference of this relation and r2 (this - r2). Check that the two relations are compatible. Indexed based minus.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Order (ascending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns _cName. A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns.
Order (ascending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns _cName. A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns.
Value parameters
- _cName
the column names that are to be sorted
Order (descending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns _cName. A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns.
Order (descending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns _cName. A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns.
Value parameters
- _cName
the column names that are to be sorted
Compute the Cartesian product of this relation and r2 (this × r2).
Compute the Cartesian product of this relation and r2 (this × r2).
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Project onto the columns with the given column names.
Project onto the columns with the given column names.
Value parameters
- cName
the names of the columns to project onto
Project onto the columns with the given column positions.
Project onto the columns with the given column positions.
Value parameters
- cPos
the positions of the columns to project onto
Check that all the foreign keys values in tuple t satisfy their REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS.
Check that all the foreign keys values in tuple t satisfy their REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS.
Value parameters
- t
the tuple being checked for referential integrity
Rename this table, returning a shallow copy of this table.
Rename this table, returning a shallow copy of this table.
Value parameters
- newName
the new name for the table.
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "right join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2
Join this relation and r2 by performing a "right join". Rows from both relations are compared requiring cp1 values to equal cp2 values. This method returns all the rows from this relation, and the matched rows from relation r2. It adds a null tuples for the unmatched rows of relation r2
Value parameters
- cp1
the position of the join column of this relation
- cp2
the position of the join column of r2 relation
- r2
the rhs relation in the join operation
Create a row by pulling values from an array of strings and converting elements to their appropriate types.
Create a row by pulling values from an array of strings and converting elements to their appropriate types.
Value parameters
- _typ
the string of corresponding types, e.g., Array ('S', 'D', 'I')
- sos
the sequence of strings holding the values
Create a row by pulling values from all columns at position i.
Create a row by pulling values from all columns at position i.
Value parameters
- i
the i'th position
Return the size in terms of number of rows in the relation.
Return the size in terms of number of rows in the relation.
Determine whether t and u are the same on column positions tp and up.
Determine whether t and u are the same on column positions tp and up.
Value parameters
- t
the first row/tuple
- tp
the column positions for row/tuple t
- u
the second row/tuple
- up
the column positions for row/tuple u
Save this relation in a file using serialization.
Save this relation in a file using serialization.
Select elements from column cName in this relation that satisfy the atomic predicate apred.
Select elements from column cName in this relation that satisfy the atomic predicate apred.
Value parameters
- apred
the predicate (
function) to be satisfied - cName
the name of the column used for selection
SELECT the tuples in this table that satisfy the predicate.
SELECT the tuples in this table that satisfy the predicate.
Value parameters
- predicate
the predicate (
function) to be satisfied
SELECT the tuples in this table that satisfy the given simple (3 token) condition.
SELECT the tuples in this table that satisfy the given simple (3 token) condition.
Value parameters
- condition
the simple condition string "a1 op a2" to be satisfied, where a1 is attribute, op is comparison operator, a2 is attribute or value
SELECT via the INDEX the tuple with the given primary key value pkey. Returns an empty table if the primary index has not been created.
SELECT via the INDEX the tuple with the given primary key value pkey. Returns an empty table if the primary index has not been created.
Value parameters
- pkey
the primary key value
Select elements from column cName in this relation that satisfy the predicate p and project onto that column.
Select elements from column cName in this relation that satisfy the predicate p and project onto that column.
Value parameters
- cName
the name of the column used for selection
- p
the predicate (
function) to be satisfied
Show this relation row by row. Handles extended width strings.
Show this relation row by row. Handles extended width strings.
Value parameters
- rng
the range of rows to show/display
Show this relation row by row with Fixed witdh columns.
Show this relation row by row with Fixed witdh columns.
Value parameters
- rng
the renage of rows to show/display
Show this relation's foreign keys.
Show this relation's foreign keys.
SHOW/print this relation's primary index.
SHOW/print this relation's primary index.
Return the basic statistics for each column of this table.
Return the basic statistics for each column of this table.
Return the sum of the values in column cName.
Return the sum of the values in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
Convert the given columns within this relation to a map: keyColPos -> valColPos.
Convert the given columns within this relation to a map: keyColPos -> valColPos.
Value parameters
- keyColPos
the key column positions
- valColPos
the value column positions
Convert this relation into a matrix of doubles, e.g., in the regression equation: xb = y create matrix xy. It will convert strings to doubles.
Convert this relation into a matrix of doubles, e.g., in the regression equation: xb = y create matrix xy. It will convert strings to doubles.
Value parameters
- cols
the column positions to use for forming the matrix
Convert this relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of doubles, e.g., in the regression equation: xb = y create matrix x and vector y.
Convert this relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of doubles, e.g., in the regression equation: xb = y create matrix x and vector y.
Value parameters
- colPos
the column positions to use for the matrix
- colPosV
the column position to use for the vector
Convert this relation into a string column by column.
Convert this relation into a string column by column.
- Definition Classes
Convert the colj column of this relation into a vector of doubles, etc.
Convert the colj column of this relation into a vector of doubles, etc.
Value parameters
- colj
the column position to use for the vector
Union this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. If they are not, return the first this relation.
Union this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. If they are not, return the first this relation.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Union all (dups allowed) this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. If they are not, return the first this relation.
Union all (dups allowed) this relation and r2. Check that the two relations are compatible. If they are not, return the first this relation.
Value parameters
- r2
the second relation
Update the column named cName using newVal for elements with value matchStr.
Update the column named cName using newVal for elements with value matchStr.
Value parameters
- cName
the name of the column to be updated
- matchVal
the value to be matched to elements
- newVal
the value used to assign updated values
Update the column named cName using function func for elements with value matchVal.
Update the column named cName using function func for elements with value matchVal.
Value parameters
- cName
the name of the column to be updated
- func
the function used to assign updated values
- matchVal
the value to be matched to elements
Return the variance of the values in column cName.
Return the variance of the values in column cName.
Value parameters
- cName
the column name
Write this relation into a CSV file with each row written to a line.
Write this relation into a CSV file with each row written to a line.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name of the data file
Write this relation into a JSON file.
Write this relation into a JSON file.
Value parameters
- fileName
the file name of the data file
Inherited methods
Return the range of columns numbers for the table.
Return the size in terms of number of columns in the table.
Return the cardinality (number of tuples) and arity (number of attributes).
Return the cardinality (number of tuples) and arity (number of attributes).
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Determine whether this table and r2 are incompatible by having differing domains.
Determine whether this table and r2 are incompatible by having differing domains.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Return the range of row numbers for the table.
Compute the LEFT-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the left table padding the missing attributes with null.
Compute the LEFT-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the left table padding the missing attributes with null.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Create a tuple with missing values for each column according to the given domains. This method is used by leftJoin.
Create a tuple with missing values for each column according to the given domains. This method is used by leftJoin.
Value parameters
- domain
the domains of the table for which a null tuple is required
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the domains out of this table for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Pull the domains out of this table for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Value parameters
- cp
the subschema/attribute column positions to be collected
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the domains out of this table for the attributes in subschema x.
Pull the domains out of this table for the attributes in subschema x.
Value parameters
- x
the subschema/attributes to be collected
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull a value out of tuple t for attribute a.
Pull a value out of tuple t for attribute a.
Value parameters
- a
the attribute to be collected
- t
the given tuple to pull value out of
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the values out of row t for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Pull the values out of row t for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Value parameters
- cp
the subschema/attribute column positions to be collected
- t
the given row to pull values out of
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the values out of row t for the attributes in subschema x.
Pull the values out of row t for the attributes in subschema x.
Value parameters
- t
the given row to pull values out of
- x
the subschema/attributes to be collected
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the values out of tuple t for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Pull the values out of tuple t for the attributes in subschema column positions cp.
Value parameters
- cp
the subschema/attribute column positions to be collected
- t
the given tuple to pull values out of
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Pull the values out of tuple t for the attributes in subschema x.
Pull the values out of tuple t for the attributes in subschema x.
Value parameters
- t
the given tuple to pull values out of
- x
the subschema/attributes to be collected
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Compute the RIGHT-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the right table padding the missing attributes with null.
Compute the RIGHT-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the right table padding the missing attributes with null.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Compute the RIGHT-EQUI-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the right table padding the missing attributes with null.
Compute the RIGHT-EQUI-JOIN of this table and r2 keeping concatenated tuples that are equal on specified attributes. Also, keep all tuples in the right table padding the missing attributes with null.
Value parameters
- r2
the second table
- x
the subschema/attributes for the left/first/this table
- y
the subschema/attributes for the right/second table
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Convert the tuples in tups into a string, e.g., for displaying a collection of tuples.
Convert the tuples in tups into a string, e.g., for displaying a collection of tuples.
Value parameters
- tups
the tuples to be converted to a string
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
Check the size of the tuple (number of elements) as well as the type of each value to ensure it is from the right domain (satisfies the DOMAIN CONSTRAINTS).
Check the size of the tuple (number of elements) as well as the type of each value to ensure it is from the right domain (satisfies the DOMAIN CONSTRAINTS).
Value parameters
- t
the tuple to be type checked
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
- Inherited from:
- Tabular
- Inherited from:
- Tabular