The Animator
class implements the commands to create, destroy, move and scale components (nodes, edges or tokens) in an animated graph.
Value parameters
- graph
the directed graph to be animated
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Create an edge at the given location.
Create an edge at the given location.
Value parameters
- color
the color of the token
- eid
the external id for the edge
- from_eid
the eid of the origination node
- label
the label for the created edge
- primary
whether it is a primary (true) or secondary (false)
- pts
the coordinates and dimensions of the edge
- shape
the shape (curve) of the edge
- shift
amount of distance to shift the edge to accommodate, e.g., a bundle of edges in a composite edge
- to_eid
the eid of the destination node
Create a node at the given location.
Create a node at the given location.
Value parameters
- color
the color of the node
- eid
the external id for the node
- label
the label for the created node
- primary
whether node is primary/transition (true) or secondary/place (false)
- pts
the coordinates and dimensions of the node
- shape
the shape of the node
Create a token at the given location.
Create a token at the given location.
Value parameters
- color
the color of the token
- eid
the external id for the token
- label
the label for the created token
- on_eid
the eid of the node it is on
- primary
whether it is a primary (true) or secondary (false)
- pts
the coordinates and dimensions of the token
- shape
the shape of the token
Destroy the edge with the given id.
Destroy the edge with the given id.
Value parameters
- eid
the edges's external id
Destroy the node with the given id.
Destroy the node with the given id.
Value parameters
- eid
the node's external id
Destroy the token with the given id.
Destroy the token with the given id.
Value parameters
- eid
the token's external id
Move the node to a new (x, y) location. Edges cannot be moved directly, but must adjust to node movements.
Move the node to a new (x, y) location. Edges cannot be moved directly, but must adjust to node movements.
Value parameters
- eid
the external id of the node to move
- pts
the new x, y -coordinates
Move the token to a new (x, y) location.
Move the token to a new (x, y) location.
Value parameters
- eid
the external id of the token to move
- pts
the new x, y -coordinates
Move the token along the curve for an edge and return false if at end of curve.
Move the token along the curve for an edge and return false if at end of curve.
Value parameters
- edge_eid
the external id for edge to move along
- eid
the external id for the token to move
- step
the length of step
Move the token onto the new node.
Move the token onto the new node.
Value parameters
- eid
the external id of the token to move
- node_eid
the external id of the node to move onto
Move number tokens of color color from node from_eid to node to_eid.
Move number tokens of color color from node from_eid to node to_eid.
Value parameters
- color
the color of the tokens to move
- from_eid
the external id of the node tokens are to be taken from
- pts
one dimensional array containing number of tokens to move
- to_eid
the external id of the node the tokens are to be moved to
Scale the node, i.e., make it larger or smaller. Edges cannot be scaled directly, but must adjust to node scaling.
Scale the node, i.e., make it larger or smaller. Edges cannot be scaled directly, but must adjust to node scaling.
Value parameters
- eid
the external id of the node to scale
- pts
the new width, height dimensions
Scale the token, i.e., make it larger or smaller.
Scale the token, i.e., make it larger or smaller.
Value parameters
- eid
the external id of the token to scale
- pts
the new width, height dimensions
Move amount tokens/fluids of color color from node from_eid to node to_eid by increasing the size of tokens at to_eid while decreasing the size at from_eid.
Move amount tokens/fluids of color color from node from_eid to node to_eid by increasing the size of tokens at to_eid while decreasing the size at from_eid.
Value parameters
- color
the color of the tokens/fluids to move
- from_eid
the external id of the node tokens/fluids are to be taken from
- pts
one dimensional array containing amount of fluids to move
- to_eid
the external id of the node tokens/fluids are to be moved to
Set the paint color for the edge.
Set the paint color for the edge.
Value parameters
- color
the new color for the node
- eid
the external id for node to paint
Set the paint color for the node.
Set the paint color for the node.
Value parameters
- color
the new color for the node
- eid
the external id for node to paint
Set the paint color for the token.
Set the paint color for the token.
Value parameters
- color
the new color for the node
- eid
the external id for node to paint
Adjust the time dilation: >1 slows down animation, <1 speeds up animation.
Adjust the time dilation: >1 slows down animation, <1 speeds up animation.
Value parameters
- pts
one dimensional array containing the new time dilation factor
Get the time dilation factor.
Get the time dilation factor.
Inherited methods
Move/translate the shape to location (x, y).
Move/translate the shape to location (x, y).
Value parameters
- p
the point (x, y)-coordinates
- shape
the shape/object to move
- Inherited from:
- Transform
Move/translate the shape to location (x, y).
Move/translate the shape to location (x, y).
Value parameters
- shape
the shape/object to move
- x
the x-coordinate
- y
the y-coordinate
- Inherited from:
- Transform
Rotate the shape by theta radians.
Rotate the shape by theta radians.
Value parameters
- shape
the shape/object to rotate
- theta
the rotation angle in radians
- Inherited from:
- Transform
Scale/resize the shape to the new width and height parameters.
Scale/resize the shape to the new width and height parameters.
Value parameters
- p
the point (w, h) parameters
- shape
the shape/object to scale (change size)
- Inherited from:
- Transform
Scale/resize the shape to the new width and height parameters.
Scale/resize the shape to the new width and height parameters.
Value parameters
- h
the height
- shape
the shape/object to scale (change size)
- w
the width
- Inherited from:
- Transform