

The MuGraphMatcher trait serves as a template for implementing specific algorithms for graph pattern matching.

Value parameters


the data graph G(V, E, l) with vertices v in V


the query graph Q(U, D, k) with vertices u in U


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class MuDualIso
class MuDualSim
class MuGraphSim

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def prune(φ: Array[Set[Int]]): Array[Set[Int]]

Given the mappings φ produced by the feasibleMates method, prune mappings u -> v where v's children fail to match u's. This version checks edge labels.

Given the mappings φ produced by the feasibleMates method, prune mappings u -> v where v's children fail to match u's. This version checks edge labels.

Value parameters


array of mappings from a query vertex u to { graph vertices v }


def prune0(φ: Array[Set[Int]]): Array[Set[Int]]

Given the mappings φ produced by the feasibleMates method, prune mappings u -> v where v's children fail to match u's. This version ignores edge labels.

Given the mappings φ produced by the feasibleMates method, prune mappings u -> v where v's children fail to match u's. This version ignores edge labels.

Value parameters


array of mappings from a query vertex u to { graph vertices v }


Concrete methods

def bijections(): Set[Array[Int]]

Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find subgraphs of data graph g that isomorphically match query graph q. These are represented by a set of single-valued bijections {psi} where each psi function maps each query graph vertex u to a data graph vertices v.

Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find subgraphs of data graph g that isomorphically match query graph q. These are represented by a set of single-valued bijections {psi} where each psi function maps each query graph vertex u to a data graph vertices v.


def countMappings(φ: Array[Set[Int]]): (Int, Int)

Count the number of mappings between query graph vertices u_i and their sets of data graph vertices {v}, giving the number of distinct vertices and edges.

Count the number of mappings between query graph vertices u_i and their sets of data graph vertices {v}, giving the number of distinct vertices and edges.

Value parameters


the set-valued mapping function


def feasibleMates: Array[Set[Int]]

Create an initial array of feasible mappings φ from each query vertex u to the corresponding set of data graph vertices {v} whose label matches u's.

Create an initial array of feasible mappings φ from each query vertex u to the corresponding set of data graph vertices {v} whose label matches u's.


def filterGraph(φ: Array[Set[Int]]): MuGraph

Filter the data graph by consider only those vertices and edges which are part of feasible matches after performing initial dual simulation. Note, used by strict and tight simulation.

Filter the data graph by consider only those vertices and edges which are part of feasible matches after performing initial dual simulation. Note, used by strict and tight simulation.

Value parameters


mappings from a query vertex u_q to { graph vertices v_g }


def mappings(ignoreEdgeLabels: Boolean): Array[Set[Int]]

Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings from the query graph q to the data graph g. These are represented by a multi-valued function φ that maps each query graph vertex u to a set of data graph vertices {v}.

Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings from the query graph q to the data graph g. These are represented by a multi-valued function φ that maps each query graph vertex u to a set of data graph vertices {v}.

Value parameters


whether to ingore edge labels during matching


def showMappings(φ: Array[Set[Int]]): Unit

Show all mappings between query graph vertices u_i and their sets of data graph vertices {v}.

Show all mappings between query graph vertices u_i and their sets of data graph vertices {v}.

Value parameters


the set-valued mapping function


def test(name: String, ans: Array[Set[Int]], ignore: Boolean): Array[Set[Int]]

Test the Graph Pattern Matcher.

Test the Graph Pattern Matcher.

Value parameters


the correct answer


whether to ignore the edge labels during matching


the name of graph pattern matcher


Concrete fields

protected val CHECK: Int
protected val LIMIT: Double
protected val SELF_LOOPS: Boolean
protected val gRange: Range
protected val qRange: Range