
class GraphDFS(g: Graph, bfs: Boolean)

The GraphDFS performs Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) on a Directed Graph. The class currently supports three predicates: (1) to find a matching label, and (2) to see if a destination vertex is reachable.

Value parameters


switch from DFS to BFS, if bfs flag is true (defaults to false)


the directed graph to search


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Type members


type QUEUE = Queue[Int]
type STACK = Stack[Int]

Value members

Concrete methods

def find(_lab: ValueType): Int

Find the label lab in this graph, returning the first vertex id with a matching label, or -1 if vertex is not found.

Find the label lab in this graph, returning the first vertex id with a matching label, or -1 if vertex is not found.

Value parameters


the label to search for


def pred1(j: Int): Boolean
def pred2(j: Int): Boolean
def reach(src: Int, _dest: Int): Boolean

Determine whether vertex _dest is reachable from src, i.e., there is a directed path from vertex src to _dest.

Determine whether vertex _dest is reachable from src, i.e., there is a directed path from vertex src to _dest.

Value parameters


the destination/ending vertex


the source/starting vertex


def strongComps: Int

Count the number of strongly connected components in the graph. In a strongly connected component, reach (u, v) is always true.

Count the number of strongly connected components in the graph. In a strongly connected component, reach (u, v) is always true.


def visit(pred: Int => Boolean): Int

Visit vertices in DFS/BFS order, returning the id of the first vertex satisfying the predicate pred, or -1 if vertex is not found.

Visit vertices in DFS/BFS order, returning the id of the first vertex satisfying the predicate pred, or -1 if vertex is not found.

Value parameters


the predicate to satisfy


def visit(): Unit

Visit vertices in DFS/BFS order accessing children and parents (as if it is an undirected graph).

Visit vertices in DFS/BFS order accessing children and parents (as if it is an undirected graph).

Value parameters


the predicate to satisfy


def weakComps: Int

Count the number of weakly connected components in the graph. In a weakly connected component, the vertices in the underlying undirected graph are connected.

Count the number of weakly connected components in the graph. In a weakly connected component, the vertices in the underlying undirected graph are connected.
