Value parameters
- c
the number of servers
- cv2
the coefficient of variations squared (variance / mean^2)
- lambda
the arrival rate
- mu
the service rate
- See also
to model Markovian /M/M/c queues. - Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Expected length of the waiting queue from Little's Law.
Expected time in the waiting Queue from (1) Pollaczek-Khinchin for c = 1 and Kingman's approximation for c > 1. super.t_q is from base class MMc_Queue
Expected time in the waiting Queue from (1) Pollaczek-Khinchin for c = 1 and Kingman's approximation for c > 1. super.t_q is from base class MMc_Queue
- Definition Classes
Inherited methods
Probability the system is empty (in state 0, no entities).
Probability the system is full (in state k where k is the capacity). For infinite capacity queues, it is 0. Override as needed.
Probability the system is full (in state k where k is the capacity). For infinite capacity queues, it is 0. Override as needed.
- Inherited from:
- MM_Queue
The overAll traffic intensity or rate ratio.
View/check intermediate results.
The effective arrival rate = λ (1 - π_k) that factors in turn aways. For infinite capacity queues, λe = λ.
The effective arrival rate = λ (1 - π_k) that factors in turn aways. For infinite capacity queues, λe = λ.
- Inherited from:
- MM_Queue
The server utilization factor (overall arrival rate / total service rate). Also referred to as the traffic intensity per server ρ (rho) in [0, 1] where 0 => always idle, 1 => always busy.
The server utilization factor (overall arrival rate / total service rate). Also referred to as the traffic intensity per server ρ (rho) in [0, 1] where 0 => always idle, 1 => always busy.
- Inherited from:
- MM_Queue