
class MarkovCT(tr: MatrixD)

The MarkovCT class supports the creation and use of Continuous-Time Markov Chains 'CTMC's. Note: the transition matrix 'tr' gives the state transition rates off-diagonal. The diagonal elements must equal minus the sum of the rest of their row. Transient solution: Solve the Chapman-Kolmogorov differential equations. Equilibrium solution (steady-state): solve for p in p * tr = 0.

Value parameters


the transition rate matrix


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def animate(): Unit

Animate 'this' continuous-time Markov Chain. Place the nodes around a circle and connect them if there is a such a transition.

Animate 'this' continuous-time Markov Chain. Place the nodes around a circle and connect them if there is a such a transition.


def limit: VectorD

Compute the limiting probabilistic state as t -> infinity, by finding the left nullspace of the tr matrix: solve for p such that p * tr = 0 and normalize p, i.e., ||p|| = 1.

Compute the limiting probabilistic state as t -> infinity, by finding the left nullspace of the tr matrix: solve for p such that p * tr = 0 and normalize p, i.e., ||p|| = 1.


def next(p: VectorD, t: Double): VectorD

Compute the next probabilistic state at t time units in the future.

Compute the next probabilistic state at t time units in the future.

Value parameters


the current state probability vector


compute for time t


def simulate(i0: Int, endTime: Double): Unit

Simulate the continuous-time Markov chain, by starting in state 'i0' and after the state's holding, making a transition to the next state according to the jump matrix.

Simulate the continuous-time Markov chain, by starting in state 'i0' and after the state's holding, making a transition to the next state according to the jump matrix.

Value parameters


the end time for the simulation


the initial/start state


override def toString: String

Convert this continuous-time Markov Chain to a string.

Convert this continuous-time Markov Chain to a string.


Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val jump: MatrixD

The jump matrix derived from the transition rate matrix 'tr'

The jump matrix derived from the transition rate matrix 'tr'
