case class AnimateCommand(action: CommandType, eid: Int, shape: Shape, label: String, primary: Boolean, color: Color, pts: Array[Double], time: Double, from_eid: Int, to_eid: Int, shift: Int)
The AnimateCommand
class provides a data structure for holding animation command specifications.
Value parameters
- action
the animation action to perform
- color
the color of the component
- eid
the external id for the component acted upon
- from_eid
the 'eid' of the origination node (only for edges)
- label
the display label for the component
- primary
whether the component is primary (true) or secondary (false)
- pts
the set points/dimensions giving the shapes location and size
- shape
the shape of graph component (node, edge or token)
- shift
amount of distance to shift the shape to be resolved by an angle e.g. to accommodate a bundle of edges in a composite edge( only for edges)
- time
simulation time when the command is to be performed
- to_eid
the 'eid' of the destination node (only for edges)
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Members list
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