The Model
class maintains a list of components making up the model and controls the flow of entities (SimActor
s) through the model, following the process-interaction world-view. It maintains a time-ordered priority queue to activate/re-activate each of the entities. Each entity (SimActor
) is implemented as a Coroutine
and may be thought of as running in its own thread.
Value parameters
- aniRatio
the ratio of simulation speed vs. animation speed
- animating
whether to animate the model
- full
generate a full report with both sample and time-persistent statistics
- height
the height of the animation panel
- name
the name of the simulation model
- reps
the number of independent replications to run
- width
the width of the animation panel
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Componenttrait Locatabletrait Identifiabletrait Modelabletrait Completionclass Coroutinetrait Runnableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class BankModelclass CallCenterModelclass EmerDeptModelclass LoopModelclass MachineModelclass OneWayStreetModelclass OneWayVehicleModelclass RoadModelclass TrafficDynModelclass TrafficLaneChangeModelclass TrafficModelclass TrafficModelTurnclass UGA_BusModelclass BankModelclass Model_MBMclass BankModelShow all
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
The model itself is an Actor (not an ordinary SimActor
) and may be thought of as the director. The director iteratively manages the clock and the agenda of actors until the simulation flag becomes false or the agenda (priority queue) becomes empty.
The model itself is an Actor (not an ordinary SimActor
) and may be thought of as the director. The director iteratively manages the clock and the agenda of actors until the simulation flag becomes false or the agenda (priority queue) becomes empty.
- Definition Classes
Add component parts to the model.
Add component parts to the model.
Value parameters
- _parts
the component parts
Add lists of component parts to the model.
Add lists of component parts to the model.
Value parameters
- _parts
the lists of component parts (need List rather than VEC)
Put a node/token command on the animation queue.
Put a node/token command on the animation queue.
Value parameters
- at
the location of the node/token
- color
the color the node/token
- shape
the shape of the node/token
- what
what animation command
- who
who is being animated
Put a edge command on the animation queue.
Put a edge command on the animation queue.
Value parameters
- at
the location of the edge (empty array => implicitly determined)
- color
the color the edge
- from
the location of the origination node
- shape
the shape of the edge
- to
the location of the destination node
- what
what animation command
- who
who is being animated
Cleanup the agenda and any stateful components. Any actors left in the agenda or a wait queue must be terminated. The model (i.e., the director) must be terminated as well.
Cleanup the agenda and any stateful components. Any actors left in the agenda or a wait queue must be terminated. The model (i.e., the director) must be terminated as well.
Put the components on the animation engine's queue.
Put the components on the animation engine's queue.
Return the statistical results of the simulation (statistics for each part). This includes the sample/duration statistics and if 'full', time persistent statistics as well.
Return the statistical results of the simulation (statistics for each part). This includes the sample/duration statistics and if 'full', time persistent statistics as well.
Compare the order of actors based on their 'actTime's.
Compare the order of actors based on their 'actTime's.
Value parameters
- actor1
the first actor in comparison
Schedule (first time) or reschedule (subsequent times) an actor to act.
Schedule (first time) or reschedule (subsequent times) an actor to act.
Value parameters
- actor
the actor to be scheduled
Reset the agenda and stateful components for next replication.
Reset the agenda and stateful components for next replication.
Reset and aggregate all statistics.
Reset and aggregate all statistics.
Value parameters
- rep
the current replication (1, ... reps)
- rmax
the maximum number of replications/batches
Execute the simulation (includes scheduling all Sources) returning summary statistics.
Execute the simulation (includes scheduling all Sources) returning summary statistics.
Indicate whether the model has been stopped.
Indicate whether the model has been stopped.
Inherited methods
Accumulate the value (e.g., number in queue) weighted by its time duration.
Accumulate the value (e.g., number in queue) weighted by its time duration.
Value parameters
- value
the value to accumulate
- Inherited from:
- Component
Aggregate the statistics of this component's subparts.
Get the location where this object is currently at.
Set the location of this object.
Set the location of this object.
Value parameters
- at
the location of this object
- Inherited from:
- Locatable
Return the current value of the director's clock.
Indicate whether this component is composite, i.e., has subparts.
Indicate whether this component is composite, i.e., has subparts.
- Inherited from:
- Component
Return the Coroutine counts.
Get the director who controls the play/simulation this component is in.
Get the director who controls the play/simulation this component is in.
- Inherited from:
- Component
Set this component's director (the controller of the simulation model).
Set this component's director (the controller of the simulation model).
Value parameters
- director
the director of the play/simulation
- Inherited from:
- Component
Return sample statistics for durations for this component (e.g., Time in queue).
Return sample statistics for durations for this component (e.g., Time in queue).
- Inherited from:
- Component
Determine whether Identifiable object 'this' equals Identifiable object 'that'. Works since 'id' is unique for all Identifiable objects.
Determine whether Identifiable object 'this' equals Identifiable object 'that'. Works since 'id' is unique for all Identifiable objects.
- Definition Classes
Identifiable -> Any
- Inherited from:
- Identifiable
Signal via the semaphore that the simulation has finished, thereby ending the wait due to calling the waitFinished method.
Signal via the semaphore that the simulation has finished, thereby ending the wait due to calling the waitFinished method.
- Inherited from:
- Completion
Return the hashCode as the unique id.
Return the hashCode as the unique id.
- Definition Classes
Identifiable -> Any
- Inherited from:
- Identifiable
Initialize this component (all of its 'var's).
Initialize this component (all of its 'var's).
Value parameters
- label
the name of this component
- loc
the location of this component
- Inherited from:
- Component
Initialize this component's statistical collectors. Sample statistics: all Component
s. Time-persistent statistics: all except Gate
, Source
and Sink
Initialize this component's statistical collectors. Sample statistics: all Component
s. Time-persistent statistics: all except Gate
, Source
and Sink
Value parameters
- label
the name of this component
- Inherited from:
- Component
Interrupt this waiting coroutine.
Check this thread to see if it is virtual.
Return the full identity.
Set the name.
Return time persistent statistics for value for this component (e.g. Number in queue).
Return time persistent statistics for value for this component (e.g. Number in queue).
- Inherited from:
- Component
For multiple sources and more than one replication otherwise, after one replication, all the sources are already started the first source from agenda will be invoked by the yield to null but the second resource from the won't so needs to be reset
For multiple sources and more than one replication otherwise, after one replication, all the sources are already started the first source from agenda will be invoked by the yield to null but the second resource from the won't so needs to be reset
- Inherited from:
- Coroutine
Thread's 'run' method delegates to the 'act' method. Upon interruption the 'act' method is run again from the beginning.
Thread's 'run' method delegates to the 'act' method. Upon interruption the 'act' method is run again from the beginning.
- Inherited from:
- Coroutine
Get the type of the simulation object.
Start this coroutine, i.e., invoke its 'run' -> 'act' method.
Tally the duration (e.g., waiting time) of an activity or delay.
Tally the duration (e.g., waiting time) of an activity or delay.
Value parameters
- duration
the time duration
- Inherited from:
- Component
Wait for the main simulation Thread/Coroutine to complete. This can used used to time execution of models.
Wait for the main simulation Thread/Coroutine to complete. This can used used to time execution of models.
- See also
- Inherited from:
- Completion
Yield control from 'this' to 'that' coroutine.
Yield control from 'this' to 'that' coroutine.
Value parameters
- quit
whether 'this' coroutine is to terminate (true) or wait to be resumed (false)
- that
the other coroutine to yield control to
- Inherited from:
- Coroutine
Inherited fields
The clock that keep track of the current simulation time
The globally unique integer identifier
Simulation execution/termination flag